About Me

Hello Ya’ll!

My name is Alison, and yes I say “Yall” alot get used to it. I am a stay at home mommy of two beautiful chunka bugs and a wife to the funniest man alive. My husbands name is Michael, hes 19, his favorite color is black and he enjoys playing the guitar. My daughters name is Autaum, she just turned 2, her favorite color is yellow, shes in love with Barney and she enjoys jumping. My sons name is Andy, he will be 1 in July, his favorite color is red, he enjoys smacking things and ripping the bows out of his sisters hair.

Enough about them, Just kidding, imagine though. So my day to day life is basically me attempting to keep my family alive and happy as easily and cheaply as possible. I am not very successful most of the time but I have picked up a few tricks along the way. I like to think of myself as a mommy Macgyver.

I hope you all enjoy, get a good laugh out, and most of all learn from my terrible, terrible mistakes!

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