Happy 21st Birthday to Me!!

Last Friday I turned 21!!! yay, Im legal. I am married, have 2 kids, and I just turned 21. Ahh I’m officially a grown up. It feels good. I had such an amazing birthday thanks to my wonderful husband and one of my best friends. They threw me the best party. It was small, just a few friends, but that’s all I wanted. We played games, we drank, we ate a bunch of crap, we laughed, it was perfect. Now leading up to the party I had a bunch of stipulations that of course I changed a million times. But my birthday team was on it. I wanted every one to dress up, because why not have a costume party in June, and I wanted there to be lots of chocolate, that one I don’t have to explain. So I was a kitty Cat, a 21 year old Kitty Cat. Which I felt the need to remind everyone over and over again, sorry guys.

This birthday has really just showed me how blessed I am. I was going back and forth about wanting to have a party. Every year something bad happens to me on my birthday. It never fails. One year I got hit in the head with a pinata stick and got a concision, it goes on and on. But my birthday team kept me in good spirits. You don’t normally expect your husband to have anything deep to say just on the spot but this was different. It was the Tuesday before my birthday and I was having the worse week, between the dog puking everywhere to my daughter peeing everywhere to the millions of flys in the house because I keep forgetting to order a new trash can. In the middle of a “crazy wife rant” Michael stopped me and said “well babe if you have a bad attitude then of course your going to have a bad birthday. If you stop and look at how hard we are trying you will see how amazing its going to be”. Man, did I feel ungrateful. I felt ungrateful for not seeing what my loved ones were doing for me, I felt ungrateful for not seeing or caring what all the lord has blessed me with. I took a look around my house, a look at my kids, a look at my life. I took a nice long look at my heart, was it filled with his word? Were my eyes set on him?

No. No they were not. I know God puts the words into my husbands mouth just when I need to hear them. I feel like God has to slap me around sometimes. I let my focus off of him. The good news is that I am not going to beat myself up about it, ain’t nobody got time fo dat. I sat and said a little prayer. I thanked my husband, gave him a little sugar. I thanked God for my life, I hugged my kids, and most important I changed my attitude.

It feels like everyday I have to talk to my daughter about her attitude. I tell her to change her attitude and I expect it to change right then and there when I say so, but its not always that easy. Attitude is your whole outlook on life. Its your perspective of the world and how you choose to handle things. As a mommy and a human I often forget that sometimes even adults need to be reminded to change their attitudes.

Keep your attitude, your heart, and your eyes set on the lord and everything will fall into place. Everything. I want to personally thank my husband and my friend for taking their time to do such a sweet thing for me. I want to thank my family for watching my kids so I could enjoy myself. I want to thank the lord.

Philippians 2:14-15

Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.

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