To My Son, Andy

Today is Monday, June 22nd at 3:30. Today I was putting you and your sister down for a nap. She was being bad as usual, you were as well but in a different way. When I look at you, in that moment, and I see your tiny little smile and your body bouncing up and down I just feel incredible blessed. I am a truly blessed woman to have you as my son.

Your outlook on life is so much different than your fathers and mine. You look at life like a giant place to explore. You go at things and obstacles with %100 of everything you have. I have never seen anything slow you down.

You make me love deeper than I ever thought I could love. A bond between a mother and son is unworldly. I felt horrible my entire pregnancy with you. I didn’t have morning sickness but I just had no appetite. I had to force myself to eat, it was horrible. So when I finally got to hear your weak little cry and just know you were ok, that moment changed me forever. You were the tiniest baby I had ever seen, but you had me wrapped around that tiny finger and I don’t think I will ever let go. I pray all the time that we grow together and we stay this close. I know realistically you will grow up and move to go to college and get married, but until then will you please stay my little crabby guy forever.

I pray that you will let me teach you how to be a gentleman. You will respect women, you will keep your hands to yourself. You will open doors and use all of your manners. You will me her daddy and you will have his blessing. You will have her back by curfew.

I also pray that you let your father teach you how to handle men. You will love and respect everybody the way Jesus has. You will keep a calm, level head and a godly heart in all situations. I can only imagine how hard it was for Jesus not to hit someone or call someone a name or even feel hatred for someone while they were calling him a liar, or whatever it was. I expect you forgive and have grace but know the difference between being a door mat. You will have respect in yourself and be confident.

I am so excited to see what great things God has in store for you and for your relationship. On a side note I just pray that the good lord will give me and your father the patience and understanding to parent your tenacious personality. We love you my baby boy. I am so excited for your first birthday in a couple of weeks.

P.S. Change your underwear and brush your teeth everyday, and I mean everyday!

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