Happy 1st Birthday Andy!

So I haven’t been on in a loooong time, Boo! There has been a lot going on around the Garza house. My dad flew in from Florida, my sister in law made me an Aunt, and of course, Mr.Andy turned the big O-N-E.

We started the day at the airport waiting, his flight was delayed by 30 minutes. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep 2 kids occupied for 45 minutes in the airport. It is also incredibly nerve wrecking, I was convinced that we were going to lose one of them. So apart from trying to keep them from not screaming I also do not want to let them go.

After we found my dad, the millions of pictures we took, and Taco Cabana (that’s about as Mexican as we get), we went to  Mt.Playmore. If you do not know what Mt.Playmore is its basically a giant, adult sized indoor jungle gym. There is also an awesome toddler area with a tiny jungle gym and the coolest toddler toys. Andy tore that place up! He was smacking things, he was climbing on things, he was stealing toys, he was in paradise! So was mommy, they ran around for almost 2 hours. I didn’t have to get up, I didn’t have to turn the tv a million times, I just sat there and talked. It was awesome! I highly recommend the next time your tired and broke, on the verge of leaving a child at the park, or just can’t stand to watch that episode of Barney again, go to Mt.Playmore. Its hardcore cheap and you get more than your monies worth!

I am so glad he got to share his first birthday with his grandpa Troy. I know he wont remember this day, but I will. I love you my little Andy man. I am so proud of the sweet, loving, ambitious little boy you are becoming. You have my heart and you always will. When I say you are the child we didn’t even know we needed I mean that in its entirety. You were the missing piece to our perfect little family. Thank you God for allowing us to love this wonderful little boy, I promise I will do my best to never let you down.

Happy Birthday Andy!

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