Organizing Medical Paperwork

So lately with Autaum graduating all of her therapy and us now getting insurance and Andy having that allergic reaction I have accumulated a butt load of medical paperwork. So much so that it is literally just laying all over the house. Last year when I started to have this problem I bought Autaum a folder and put her name on it and that meant that she had her own folder/we no longer had to share ours. But this time around I know a temporary fix won’t cut it.

Note: This DIY will work for Medical Paperwork, School Work, Legal Paperwork, Etc.

Foldjrod r

You Will Need:

Different colored Folders for Each Member Of The House

A Sharpie

If you Wish:

Printed Out Names of the Family Members


Index Cards/Sharpie/Tape/Scissors

So lets get Started, whichever method you choose you can either print out each persons name/cotact info, or write it on index cards and tape to the folder, or just take a sharpie and write directly on the folder. Its that simple. I chose to write on index cards because I just got a new pack and i was feeling crafty. Here’s what the inside looks like.


Here’s what the contact info looks like.

Folder diy

Please Feel Free to Share My Blog with Whoever You Want. Big Things are Coming Next Month and I Want to Make Sure I Touch as Many Hearts and Lady Bugs as Possible!

Stay Sensational!

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