Juicing Day Number 5

Current Weight: Did not get to weigh

Mood: Happy

Energy Level: 4


  • None

Symptoms/Severity: Eczema-Low, Back Pain-None, Anxiety-None, Depression-None, Dizziness-None, Nauseous-Mild, Bloated-Mild, Weakness-None, Coldness-Mild, Asthma-None, Fingernail loss- 1/2 A Nail, Dry Skin/Burning Skin-Low, Swollen Neck Glands-Mild

Exercise Routine: None

Daily Log: We got us a brand new, without any problems, juicer! We used it for the first time tonight and it works amazing. I still have not been able to find a juice that does not make me nauseous. So for right now i’m just having to chug all of my juices, which is ok with me. I’m actually surprised i’m not having any problems with my oral fixation. I’m also surprised to find out I am the only one having problems with this cleanse. My husband is loving it, congratulations. The good news is that my eczema is almost completely gone. The ginger must be working! Today was decent, I just hate this juice. That is all…

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