Juicing Day Number 7!

Current Weight: Did not get to weigh

Mood: Great!

Energy Level: 6


  • None

Symptoms/Severity: Eczema-Low, Back Pain-None, Anxiety-None, Depression-None, Dizziness-Mild, Nauseous-Mild, Bloated-Mild, Weakness-None, Coldness-Mild, Asthma-None, Fingernail loss- 1/2 A Nail, Dry Skin/Burning Skin-Low, Swollen Neck Glands-Low, Insomnia-Mild

Exercise Routine: None

Daily Log:Today was such a better day! Thank you Jesus! I have had 2 juices today and a lovely spaghetti dinner with a beautiful couple from church. That was just what I needed. Our pastor did a sermon one day about how when someone is going through a loss or a hard time the best thing you can do for them is to listen. That’s what they did. It was amazing. I feel so much better about myself and this whole journey. I think its safe to say I am slowly regaining my confidence and security in knowing that i’m making the right choices. Tomorrow is looking brighter and brighter. We must never forget “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Oh yea can I brag that we have officially made it one week juicing with only 1 meal a day. Not a celebration yet, lets talk this time next week and see how well I made it a whole week with only juice.

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