What is Juicing REALLY Like?

So one of the most common questions I get when I tell people I am doing a juice cleanse is “What is juicing REALLY like?”. I’m guessing people don’t think juicing can be this good to be true. Its not. Its really not. I mean if a stranger walked up to you on the sidewalk and said “I can sure all of your illness’s with just fruits and veggies” you would be like “How did you escape?”. So here is the complete honest truth about juicing.


So the first thing that happened to me was I started pooping, like all the time. I no longer have like 1 or 2 big poops a day, I now have million super fast, tiny poops a day. Its pretty inconvenient but ya gotta just deal with it. Your poop will also turn to juice, just puttin it out there. The next thing that started happening to me was that I got gassy, Oh my lord was I gassy. The good thing was that the gas only lasted a couple of days.

You will also start to go through the withdraw process. Lets break this down, the food that you have been feeding your body is not food. I honestly am not sure what it is. Big food companies put chemicals into our “food” to make us addicted. They want us to crave it and spend more and more on it. So when you stop feeding your body that crap its like you stopped giving your body your drug. So your going to be anxious/depressed, moody, headaches. Your going to feel like your dying.

Hang in there. It only lasts about a week, from what I understand. Everyone’s experiences will differ. People juice for many different reasons. Some juice to loose weight, some juice to heal themselves, and some juice just to be healthy. So depending on why your juicing, you will go through different things. I can tell you that my juicing experience has sucked so bad because my thyroid has been acting up almost all day every day, and it will.You will start to feel better. My husband is juicing to lose weight so his biggest challenge is the cravings and the withdraw symptoms. You just have to keep on keepin on, stick with your juice.

Another huge truth about juicing is that it just freaking sucks a duck. Eating for pleasure is no longer a thing. You have to completely retrain your mind about the way you look at food. When your about to eat something ask yourselves these questions…

  1. Am I eating because i’m hungry or am I eating because i’m bored?
  2. What is this going to do for my body? What am I going to get from this?
  3. An hour from now am I going to be proud of myself an hour from now for eating this or am I going to be disappointed?

You also have to reschedule your day around what your going to eat. So if there’s no where for you to buy fresh juice around where your going to be you’ll have to pack you some juice. I have had great success with a old breast milk lunch box. Its tiny and compact and it just looks like a lunchbox. They say juice is best out of glass but I prefer to buy bottled water and just reuse the bottle so I can throw it away. I don’t want to have to bring home a water bottle that’s had old juice in it all day.

So in my opinion, that’s what juicing is REALLY like.

Now i’m going to lecture you with statistics that should make you start juicing like tomorrow.

More than two-thirds of Americans age 2-20 are considered obease

The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. is $147 billion

African Americans have the highest obesity rates followed by Hispanics then whites

Heart disease has taken over 611,000,000 lives in America alone

If you would like more information about juicing I want to encourage everyone to watch this documentary. This is where I got my inspiration. Please watch, I guarantee it will change the way you look at food.




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