5 Easy (And Good) Juices

So I see a lot of talk about juice recipes. It sounds silly to me considering all you have to do is put fruits and veggies together, I mean its not like a normal recipe where it can possibly come out as a disaster. Oh wait, yes, yes it can. It is entirely possible to go way to ham and create a juice that tastes awful and is then deemed “undrinkable”. Now if your a regular juicer than you know how horrible of a feeling it is to have made “undrinkable” juice. Its a waste of time and money, so here are my top 5 easy, peasy, lemon squeezy juice recipes.

**Note: When I juice I try to go by the 1:1 rule. 1 Fruit-1 Veggie**


3 Small Apples, 1 Stick Celery, 1/2 Lemon

Tip: When juicing something with a peel, specifically citrus, you need to take into consideration you will be tasting the peel way more than the fruit. So I always peel them first. If your in a rush, cut the “lemon” in half. Place the cut part down on the cutting board and cut the peel off, kinda like you would a potato. This saves so much time.


3-4 Carrot, 1 Big Apple 


1 Big Sweet Potato, 3 Carrot, Mystery Veggie 

Tip: This recipe is amazing for hiding veggies you don’t want to taste. Don’t go ham and put 12 radish’s in there, but in general, its pretty good for hiding a little of something gross.


4 Carrot, Kale, 1 Grapefruit 


1 Large Green Apple, 2 Small Red Apples, 1/2 Lemon, 1 in Ginger 

Tip: If you have Eczema like me this is an amazing way to hide the ginger. Ginger helps with nausea and Eczema.

All of these recipes are just what I personally like. You may or may not have success with them, but that’s what juicing is all about. Find what works for you, what you like, then get a little mad scientist and start putting whatever you want in there. I like to juice what my body needs at that time. If i’m low on fiber I will juice broccoli, brussels sprouts, raspberries, or pears. Depending on why you are juicing you may need to juice a certain something every day, I have to juice ginger. You will find your routine and get what works for you down. Just stay strong, remember why you started juicing, and always….

Juice on!

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