A Tired Mothers Prayer

Dear Lord, I have had a bad day. I am tired. I am sweaty. I am gross. I am hungry and I am tired. I feel like poo, inside and out. Why did today end up like it did? I woke up with good intentions, I kept a good attitude through it all.

I juiced my breakfast even though I wanted bacon and eggs. I did what felt like an hour of Zumba even though I wanted to nap on the couch. I gave lots of hugs and kisses and tickles even though I wanted to be on Facebook.

I did load after load of laundry and dishes even though I will have to do load after load of both tomorrow. I picked up toy after toy even though I will have to pick up toy after toy tomorrow. I wiped butt after butt even though I will have to wipe butt after butt tomorrow. I cuddled every sad moment and kissed every boo boo even though I will have to do so tomorrow.

I am running thin lord.

Today I took something out of my child’s mouth and threw it behind the couch because I had already walked over there a million times. Today I went pee and shut the door, I just let them cry outside. Today my husband took the sink drainer thing out of the hole so the sink got clogged, today I sent my husband a mean text while at work. Today I got frustrated with my kids, a lot. Today I was snappy with my kids, a lot. Today my kids watched way too much tv. Today I didn’t get any of my chores done. Today I think i’ve heard “mommy” at-least a million times. Today I was too sore to play with anyone. Today my son bit me for the first time. Today my husband will not be home for bedtime.

Today is the only day that I will feel the way I feel right now, in this moment. Today is the day I need you more than ever. I need you to fill me with peace and love and forgiveness and patience and mercy…Today, I need a lot lord.

Today I am going to throw a pitty party. Today I am not going to make good eating choices. Today the kids are going to sleep at 7:30 on the dot. Today I will take a extra long hot shower.

Lord I pray you help me. Help me and every other mommy out there feeling exactly like this. I pray that you lift her up, make her realize how beautiful she is. I pray that you remind her that those beautiful children she works so hard for, those are just loans. I pray that you remind me and every other tired mommy that we are loved, we are important, and we are doing a fantastic job. I pray that every mommy gets a nice long, child-free break. I pray that every husband is kind and understanding.  I pray that you let every mommy have a better day tomorrow. Most importantly I pray that you never ever let any mommy believe what the enemy is telling her.

I want to thank you lord for my “loans”. I want to thank you for my good attitude today, most days I am quick to snap. I know that was you keeping me strong. I love you, thank you for listening.

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