Love Me Challenge

Ok so if you have been following my blog lately, shame on you if you haven’t, then you will probably already know about all of my health problems and my depression. I have decided to join a few of my fellow mommies in doing a 30 day “Love Me” challenge. I want to encourage everybody reading this to join me, in your own way, or to just sit and reflect on the topic of the day. Everybody needs to be reminded of their love for their self sometimes. So today’s topic will is:

Why are you doing #LoveMe?

I am doing the love me challenge because I need a reminder of how freggin’ awesome I am, duh. I have been really down on myself lately, down on the world. I think I just gave and gave and gave so much of myself to my family without ever taking or taking very little, I just ran myself down. Becoming a mother has really opened my eyes to being selfless and giving. Becoming a mother has also opened my eyes to seeing that it is perfectly ok to be a little selfish sometimes. Like when your sick, I never stop when i’m sick. I just go and go. Lately I haven’t had an option to keep going so i’ve had to just relax and focus on getting better and then when I feel better of if there’s something little I can do like change a butt, then do it. There’s a big difference in getting better and being lazy.

This whole experience has also taught me that it is ok to leave your kids with people and just relax. Really I only ever get a sitter for my kids if I have a doctor appointment or if there’s a big event, like a birthday, then I will get a sitter so I can scrub the house. It is perfectly ok to call up the mother in law and be like “I am dizzy, I am going to take a nap now, Ill leave the front door unlocked, they are dressed to go”. Im totally kidding but it is ok to have someone watch them while you nap. I have very big guilt about asking anyone for help, but its essential to being the best you you can be.

I am beautiful. I am worth ever second of someones help. I am freggin’ awesome.

I pray that everyone who reads this looks in the mirror today and sees how beautiful she is, I pray she feels how much she loves herself.

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