Love Me Challenge Day 2

A Photo of You 

Really? Really? Why do I need a picture of me? I am not a picture person and I certainty do not ever take a picture of myself…

ok well here it is…

before picture

I was having a hard time not wanting to go out and buy me some amazing Taco Bell so I turned on this lady’s juicing success story. In the beginning it shows this incredibly overweight lady crying talking about how she has taken a million “before” picture but has never gotten to have a “after” picture. I have no idea why, maybe I was delirious from not getting my Taco Bell fix, but that 30 seconds of her video was all I heard. I honestly don’t remember anything else from the video, I don’t need too. I know eating healthy and exercising is going to make me healthy so I really don’t need to hear her success story but that 30 seconds I did need to hear.

I do have a “after” picture. I lost about 10 pounds right before I graduated. I did 3 hours of Zumba a day and was on a very strict eating schedule, it was a lot of work but I am proud that I did it the healthy way. Oh and that was back before I had kids, I had so much free time and energy, 3 hours are you kidding me? I can’t do anything for 3 hours, not with my kids. So anyway I remember seeing myself in my prom dress with my waist just as tiny as can be and I just had an amazing feeling of accomplishment. I felt so incredibly pretty but I felt like I had earned the right to feel pretty.

Here is my “after” picture.


I felt so pretty, I felt like a princess. I know this time around I won’t have a super expensive dress on or my makeup and hair done but it wont’t matter. I will still have that accomplished feeling, even more so because I need to lose so much more.

The whole point of this was that when I took that picture in the car, that was a “before” picture, but I still felt just as pretty. When I look at my “after” picture I don’t get sad or hard on myself, I feel in my heart just like that. I am pretty, I am beautiful. My waistline does not define my beauty. I am a beautiful person inside and out. I have a big heart and I am funny.

This time when I post my “after” picture I will feel accomplished and proud for the right reasons, because I am healthy, not because I feel pretty.

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