My Current Health Situation #2

So I haven’t updated anyone on how I have been doing in a while, I haven’t had time to even blog in a while. So lets jump right in. We put our kids in a part time daycare type place so that I can rest and focus on healing. So far I have not been able to use this time to relax, its been mostly catching up on housework and things of that nature. I make sure that I take an hour or two for myself but for the most part I have just been productive. This has helped our family tremendously. Our house no longer looks destroyed, I no longer want to duct tape my kids (or husband) to anything, Autaum’s temper tantrums have almost gone away, but most importantly I am feeling better.

I feel like I am finally regaining my sanity. You never think about how much you need rest until you are running short. I am still having problems with my symptoms I guess maybe i’m just managing them better. I can not bend over without getting dizzy to where I have to sit down for about five minutes. If you have kids you know that it is near impossible to not bend over all day, its just not. My husband has been extremely understanding about me not being able to pick up toys or trash or just not being able to sweep and mop, he’s even picked up some of the slack. Its nice to not have to feel guilty. I still get my extreme hot/cold flashes, more cold lately. If you know me and you see me in long sleeves or a jacket, please don’t comment, all that will do is make me self conscious. I know its a hundred degrees right now, I know. Unfortunately this is just how I have to live my life, not my a thermostat but by just how my bodies doing that day. I have hot days and I have cold days and I have days where I go back and forth, and it all sucks. I am still having mood swings, i’m not going to go  there, but they are getting a little bit better. My Eczema had flared up worse than it has been in my entire life. It is now all over my normal spots and all over the back of my neck into my hairline, spots all over my face, and on my shoulders. The thing that sucks the most is my memory loss or brain haze. Your thyroid effects so many things including your brain function. This has been super bad this past week. I am loosing things left and right, I am forgetting appointments, and I am just strait up not remembering stuff. I am normally ninja mommy, always on top of EVERYTHING so for me to loose my glasses or forget what time were supposed to be somewhere, its just not me.

My husband has been so amazing throughout this whole ordeal. He gets off work and immediately starts helping. Where we were three years ago, we would have never gotten through this. We have grown so much in ourselves and in our marriage. When we first got together we had a big problem with communication or the lack of. Communication is everything. Its so nice to be able to just simply tell my husband whats wrong and what I need him to do to help and he actually listens and does it. I can not even begin to say how blessed I am to have this man. He is dealing with his own battles and still treats me like a queen. He has stepped up in the daddy department, he has stepped up his house managing game, he has ruled the husband job. It has gotten so ugly at times and hes been cool as a cucumber the whole time. So if you see my husband, please please please give him a pat on the back or some words of encouragement.

I also just want to say that i’m pretty proud of us. The enemy has attacked and attacked and we stayed strong in our faith and love for Jesus majority of the time, I’m sure in our darkest hour we have had some doubt, but we kept on praying and talking to Jesus, see communication. Our journey and battle is not near over with, and that’s ok. Were just taking things one day at a time.

Our plan for right now is to get moved into the new house and get everything settled, Michael is looking for a new job. The kids will stay in daycare for a good while. I will be taking the next few months easy. I am not making any commitments or signing myself up for anything crazy. I am just focusing on me and my little family. I will still need some help like sweeping and mopping or picking up toys but I have faith that this is only temporary.

God is Good.

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