Common Juicing Questions

So recently I have had so many people ask me about juicing. Apparently people on FaceBook are paying a lot more attention than I thought, awesome. So here are just some tips to get started off the top of my head.

Warning: Consuming nothing but juice can be very helpful and great for your body however, you have to do your research and know what you are doing. You will mess up your body if you do not follow the rules

How long do I have to juice for? 

People always ask how long you have to juice and I always say it depends on why you want to juice. First off, its called a Juice Reboot because that’s what your doing your rebooting your system, flushing out all of the bad chemicals and toxins. Second, juicing is not a fad diet, its not a diet at all, you can use it to aid in your weight loss but ultimately juicing is a lifestyle change that needs to be respected and followed. So basically you can not juice for 10 days to lose weight then go right back to eating crap, it doesn’t work that way.

You can juice for as long as you want, 2 days or 60 its up to you. So if your juicing for health reasons or to restart your system I suggest you do the full 30 or 60 days. If your juicing to lose weight then it depends on how much weight you want to lose. So if you need to drop 10 lbs before your wedding then do it for 7 or 10 days, if you need to lose around 100 lbs then I would suggest the full 60 days. You will have to figure how long out yourself.

What kind of juice do I drink?

You can not drink store bought juice, you will get nowhere. You have to make the juice yourself, so you will have to have a juicer or go buy one. There are millions of juice recipes and even recipes to make crackers and soups that are ok for you to eat. I do not go by any recipe, by now I just kinda know what goes good with what. Now it is very important you are not drinking just fruit, there is way too much natural sugar. So I try to stick to the 1:1 rule, 1 fruit to 1 vegetable. This does not mean you have to put the whole vegetable. So if I put 3 apples (that’s 1 fruit) then I would add 1/2 of a cucumber (1 veggie), and then go from there. Here are my 2 favorite recipes.

2 Red Apple

1 Green Apple

1 Grapefruit (Peeled)

3 Asparagus

1 Celery Stick

1 In Ginger (For Eczema)


2 Carrot

1 Sweet Potato

4 Kale Leaves

Handful of Strawberries

What kind of juicer do I use? 

You can use any juicer you want. This is not a topic I don’t have too much knowledge in but from what I understand juicers are just like anything else, the more you pay the better they work. We bought the Breville Juice Fountain, I will post a link below. It was around a $110, which is a little pricey in my opinion, but totally worth it. We love our juicer and have not had any problems. I have a friend who has one and everybody else who i’ve asked say they love theirs too. Now you can just as well buy a $20 or $40 one, its going to do the same job. The cheaper juicers, once again in my opinion, will end up costing you in the long run. I had a family member with a cheaper, off brand juicer and she would always complain that the leftover pulp was always so wet and sometimes dripping. That means that the juicer didn’t truly get all of the juice out of her fruits and veggies, so she had to use a lot more. Same family member tried to juice using the NutriBullet and hated it the first try, hope that helps.

Can I eat other meals and still juice?

Kinda. While you are doing a juice reboot you can not have anything to eat or drink but fruits and veggies. So you can eat a apple or carrot but you still need to stick to 3 juice meals and 1 juice snack a day. To keep my sanity I do 3 juice meals and then 1 snack of avocado or peach. I have heard that you can drink coconut water, but I have not tried.  You also need to drink lots of water during this too.

Do you need to eat any protein or dairy?

This is a very debatable topic so i’m not going to get too far into it. No, you get all the protein you need from fruits and veggies. Yes it is a different kind of protein but this is only for 30-60 days. As far as dairy goes, I do not believe the human body was meant to consume cows milk so I try to stay as far away from dairy as possible. To answer this question, just no you do not need dairy.

What can I expect?

Expect to feel tired, goodness are you tired. You will literally feel like you haven’t slept in years. You will get horrible headaches, you will feel unsatisfied that you may misinterpret as hungry, you will be cranky. This is all apart of the withdraw process, long story short, you are addicted to the chemicals they put into your food so when you cut your body off from that chemical (sugar, salt, etc.) you will have side effects. The good news is is that this should only last about a week, maybe a week and a half. We have even experienced nausea and vomiting when we were first starting juicing.

How much weight do you lose?

Once again that’s all up to you. I’ve heard of people doing the 30 days and losing 40 lbs or doing a 10 day reboot and losing 15 lbs. My husband and I started this lifestyle change back in January and he has lost around 80 lbs, I however have lost about 14. Defining factors are if you stick to the diet or are lose about it, if you are working out during this time, how wide of a variety you are juicing, etc.

What do you do after the 30 days?

After you are done with your juice diet, from what I understand, you slowly reintroduce healthy foods. A lot of people chose to keep juicing after their reboot is up. I plan on continuing to do breakfast and lunch juice and then dinner and a snack a healthy meal, its completely up to you. You can not go back to eating crap, you will blow your tummy out, trust me. So take that 30 days and use it to educate yourself on what “healthy” really means. You may want to start by having half a piece of plain, baked chicken breast. Then the next day try some white rice, and work your way back into food that way.

Other Random Facts 

-You are supposed to drink juice with a straw and place the straw behind the teeth but still to where juice gets in your mouth. The acid in the juice is not good for your teeth but your mouth needs the bacteria. So you drink your juice with a straw and then brush your teeth about 30 minutes later.

-Juice is best kept in glass containers, not plastic.

-You can freeze juice for up to 3 days.

-When going to dinner with friends or whatever you can still have a salad, to act like your participating, just with no cheese or anything.

-Different fruits and veggies do different things for you, so look into what your putting in to get the best results you want.

-When dropping a massive amount of weight it is entirely possible for your excess skin to shrink back up too. Yellow fruits and veggies help with skin shrinkage, also lathering yourself in coconut oil daily or lotion will help.

-After a while fast food is not even an option, you don’t even crave it. You crave juice.

What do I recommend?

This is what we did, we started back in January and I just stopped buying junk food. I started with sugar, I stopped buying any sweets. Then I waited a week or two and moved on to salty foods like chips. I made it a rule that I could no longer fry anything, not even in a little bit of grease. The next month we made it a rule that every night after dinner we would go do some physical activity, I will post a blog about free ways to work out with kids. Then we stopped taking our medications, I will tell you it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. You can heal yourself of any pain or headache or almost anything naturally. Then we started juicing for breakfast and lunch and still eating dinner and a snack, we did this for 30 days. Next we will do the full 30 day reboot, then I plan to do a 60 day reboot.

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