Amy’s Frozen Foods

How many mommies out there don’t feel like cooking dinner tonight, show of hands? Yea me either, but if you don’t feed them then eventually someones going to call CPS. I’m totally kidding but on the reals, I hate cooking dinner in the summer. It heats up the whole house and i’m just too tired. Now if you know me I am completely against anything frozen, like anything. I cook all of my dinners mostly from scratch every single night, but with my recent health problems I have not been able to do so. This had me searching for an alternative. I never thought I would actually be saying this but I am totally in love with Amy’s frozen foods.

Amy’s is a line of frozen products that focus’s on being non-GMO, vegetarian, and organic. Amy’s is a very health conscious company that the more I learn about the more and more I love. I first found Amy’s bowls, I tried the Mexican Casserole first. That’s literally all it took and i’m hooked. So the first thing I noticed about this product was that the box says everything that you need to know about the product. They say very clearly right on the front if its vegan or if its low sodium, etc, you don’t have to go searching if your on a special diet.

They have such a wide variety of foods, from pizza to Asian stir fry you should never get bored. They also have family sized meals which is perfect for not cooking dinner. The family meals do take like an hour to cook so that is something you will need to keep in mind. My favorites for a healthy lunch is the burritos and the bowls. I am starting to venture out into pizzas, I have yet to find something I haven’t liked.

The price is a little pricey in my opinion but I honestly think its worth it. When you look at it and say “$10 for one tiny pizza”, say it in your husbands voice that helps, remember what you put into your body and your kids bodies is an investment. Food in our opinions is an investment, your investing in your future.

I also wanted to tell you guys how cool their website is (I will post the link down below). I love how the first thing you see is different sections for recipes, their non-GMO stance, and a section on being gluten free. I did not dig too deep into their website but you can also buy their products in bulk online.

I give Amy’s 5 stars. I love these meals so much, their super delicious, my toddler will eat them, and you can feel good about eating them.

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