5 Easy Ways To Be Healthier

Many people do not realize how excessive and honestly, addicted to food they have become. As Americans we are taught to want everything bigger and better, but when you look at the rest of the world you realize that is not always the way to go, especially when it comes to food. Many people find themselves out of shape, overweight, and just plain unhappy. Now I cant fix all if the worlds problems but I can give you some super simple tips to change your habits and way of thinking.

1) Stick to 1. When you start adding bacon, or when you get 2 sauces to dip it in, thats when things get out if hand. You should only have 1 meat per meal. No bacon cheeseburgers, no chicken bacon salad, pick 1. If you are eating out and you’ve finished your meal, do not go order something else, do not order food from 2 different places. Stop it!

2) Stop taking to go boxes. When I am done with my meal I throw the rest away almost immediately. Yes, this is very wasteful but eventually you’ll get to know how much food you can eat and order accordingly. I always say “everything in moderation” so yes go out to eat, but let that be your only “cheat meal”. If you think about it, when you eat your leftovers you are eating 2 cheat meals (2 servings).

3) Stop eating when your full. I have no idea where this very American attitude of “we have to have it all” was transferred into the way we think about food, but you do not have to eat it all. It doesnt make you less of a man, its not a sign of weakness, its a act of self control. Stop eating when your tummy goes “oh crap, shouldnt of had that last bite”. Put the fork down!

4) Practice self control. If you know you cant have just the serving size of cookies, you’ll eat the whole box, then only take out 1 serving and put it up. We like to eat for pleasure and when were bored, if the box isn’t sitting next to you then your not tempted to pig out. If you dont even have that self control, dont buy it. Yea, boo that sucks, but what’s more important? Your health or that box of Twinkies? Hopefully your heart.

5) Dont be lazy. Park in the back. Jog from the car to the house. Do squats when waiting in line. When putting the milk up, lift it a couple of times. Dont sit on the park bench, get up and run around with your kids.

These are simple changed that can easily be added to anyone’s normal routine that make a huge difference. Thank you so much for reading. Feel free to comment on wjat you’d like to read more about.


I told my daughter today she couldn’t have water from the fountain because I was too lazy to hold her 30lb butt up there. I gave her coke in the car instead.

I was doing laundry this morning while my kids were jumping on our bed and the hubs was supposed to be getting dressed. I heard a child fall off the bed onto something else followed by my daughter crying. I quickly thought “should I go in there and help? Nah he can work this out on his own”.

Every time the Fifth Harmony song “Work From Home” comes on I yell “This is daddies favorite song” in hopes that one day we will be in a public place and she will yell this to the world about my husband. UPDATED: She screamed it all on her own in the middle of dinner in front of the entire restaurant. Months of hard work payed off.

Telling yout daughter to pee in the pool because your just too lazy to walk to the bathroom…It was just once, right?

Goodbye Dumpy Mom

I did it you guys, well I didnt do “it” but im half way there. I have officially lost 18 pounds! Are you kidding me! This is huge, I never actually thought I’d lose
weight. I have tried and failed so many times to lose weight and literally never gotten anywhere. I have so many friends and family (sorry guys) that try and try again to lose weight and then next week there off the wagon again.
I didnt want to be like that, I wanted to look cute. I wanted to be a hot mom, not for other men or my husband or anybody but myself, I wanted to feel good. It has been two years of my not liking my body, I was getting desperate.

I had to change the way I looked at and thought about food. Food is not meant to be an indulgence, food is fuel for your body and thats it.
*If it doesnt do anything posative for your body then its not an option.

I had to stop making excuses.
*”I cant work out at home because of my kids, no equipment, etc.” Not true. Workout with your kids.  Everyday we have a dance party, you can chose to play with mommy but out of the way or go to your room, while I do Zumba on YouTube. I use my kids as weights. I have a perfect 20 and 30 pound weight right there (Gallon of milk, Basket of laundry, get creative). Everybody can workout, I watched a handicapped man lose over a HUNDRED pounds doing yoga and now he can run, get over it!

I had to stop being lazy.
*You get up and get the remote instead of your husband, park at the back of the parking lot, cook dinner (even if its frozen pizza), try to use your car as little as possible, exercise daily. Little changes have a big impact, start small and work your way up every two weeks.

I had to stop comparing.
*Do not compare yourself to anything, dont do it. Not to another mom, not to your “pre-baby body”, not to what you think you want your body to look like, nothing. You should be focusing on your here and now. What is going on around you right now, thats where your head should be. In the back of your mind there should be a posative, encouraging voice reminding you to eat broccoli instead or do some squats instead. Make your body getting healthy a celebration!

I had to learn to live in the now.
*When trying to get healthy only think about today. What you ate in the past can not be changed, its already in there, let it go. When you are going to start dieting should not be a far away date, why wait? Think about today, what are you doing today? Nothing, well okay then make wonderful choices today and only worry about those choices today.

Everything in moderation.
*I go by the 80/20 rule, %80 of the time I do the best I can so that the other %20 of the time when I cant/choose not too, I dont have to feel bad about it. If I want a cupcake, im having a cupcake, but you dont have to eat the whole thing. If its your nieces birthday later and you know there will be pizza and cake, only pick one.

I had to learn not to rush.
*It took you how long to put all of this weight on/how long to get this sick? When God says everything in his timing he is not kidding. I now hate the word “diet”. I am not on a diet and never will be again. I am not doing a 30 day nonsense, I am changing my life. Eating healthy and being healthy is something you are going to have to do FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It doesnt end once you have reached your final goal,  so why do you have the mentality that it does. Start slow, little changes here and there, and work your way up. If you try to go cold turkey hour going to fail. Cut out things you can easily live with you, I cut sweets out first, then go from there.

I had to reach a point to where I wanted to lose weight and be healthy more than I wanted to eat or be lazy. I at one point looked in the mirror and all I saw was a lumpy, dumpy mom, too tired to play, too out of breath to wrestle, too sick. I will never again let food control me. I will never again be a lumpy, dumpy mom.

I never let myself get excited about the number on the scale until I have kept it away for two weeks, weight is easy to take off and even easier to put back on. I am currently on day 5 of my “water challenge” (I call it that just as a reminder, but im never stopping). I am down 18 pounds and I have 12 more to go.
I never want to hear anyone say they cant lose weight or they cant be healthy. Yes you can, you just have to want it bad enough.


P.S. Another good tip is to only eat 1 meal, sounds craxy right? A lot of time my husband and I would find ourselves eating way too much food, ofcourse when everywhere people advertise for bigger and better. Your meal should only have 1 meat/main course and two sides. Bacon cheeseburger, thats 2meats, pick one. Dont eat out more than once a day, dont get food from one place and then the rest from another. Stick to only 1 meal at a time.