5 Easy Ways To Be Healthier

Many people do not realize how excessive and honestly, addicted to food they have become. As Americans we are taught to want everything bigger and better, but when you look at the rest of the world you realize that is not always the way to go, especially when it comes to food. Many people find themselves out of shape, overweight, and just plain unhappy. Now I cant fix all if the worlds problems but I can give you some super simple tips to change your habits and way of thinking.

1) Stick to 1. When you start adding bacon, or when you get 2 sauces to dip it in, thats when things get out if hand. You should only have 1 meat per meal. No bacon cheeseburgers, no chicken bacon salad, pick 1. If you are eating out and you’ve finished your meal, do not go order something else, do not order food from 2 different places. Stop it!

2) Stop taking to go boxes. When I am done with my meal I throw the rest away almost immediately. Yes, this is very wasteful but eventually you’ll get to know how much food you can eat and order accordingly. I always say “everything in moderation” so yes go out to eat, but let that be your only “cheat meal”. If you think about it, when you eat your leftovers you are eating 2 cheat meals (2 servings).

3) Stop eating when your full. I have no idea where this very American attitude of “we have to have it all” was transferred into the way we think about food, but you do not have to eat it all. It doesnt make you less of a man, its not a sign of weakness, its a act of self control. Stop eating when your tummy goes “oh crap, shouldnt of had that last bite”. Put the fork down!

4) Practice self control. If you know you cant have just the serving size of cookies, you’ll eat the whole box, then only take out 1 serving and put it up. We like to eat for pleasure and when were bored, if the box isn’t sitting next to you then your not tempted to pig out. If you dont even have that self control, dont buy it. Yea, boo that sucks, but what’s more important? Your health or that box of Twinkies? Hopefully your heart.

5) Dont be lazy. Park in the back. Jog from the car to the house. Do squats when waiting in line. When putting the milk up, lift it a couple of times. Dont sit on the park bench, get up and run around with your kids.

These are simple changed that can easily be added to anyone’s normal routine that make a huge difference. Thank you so much for reading. Feel free to comment on wjat you’d like to read more about.

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