Where You Been?

What is up my Hippies? How have you been? I know I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a minute, but I am back and in full swing. This Hippy would never leave you for too long. I just needed to take some time for myself. I will explain what I mean by that.

First off, I am no longer a wife. My husband and I have been separated for a few months now. I was having some problems with my depression being out of control, topped with anxiety. I had a few things that I needed to work on. My husband and I had agreed to take a break and separate for the time being to work on ourselves.  Honestly, we are so much better parents now. Being happier has improved our own happiness and that has since reflected onto our kids. I can proudly say we are not fighting, no one is being ugly. It is the happiest situation possible. As of right now I am just putting my faith in God and following my heart on what I think is best for myself and my kids.

I want to just take a minute to suggest if you are going through a rough time, dealing with depression or anxiety or any other mental health problems, you are not alone and there are a ton of resources for help. Someone cares about you and there is always someone who wants to listen and help.

I am looking to the future now. What does that mean for this Hippy? Well I honestly don’t know a hundred percent. As of right now I am trying to find a way to home school my kids during the day and work at night or on the weekends. My kids naturally take great naps and sleep in in the morning, we are a sleeping bunch, so staying up late is not a problem for me. If you are wanting to see what my business is looking like here is the link.


I have a dream of supporting myself and my kids by selling my crafts. I plan on marketing special needs parents and moms. I feel this is a area I have a deep connection with. I also plan on making month subscription boxes for home schooled kids their parents. I have recently reached out to a few bands and businesses and am working on making some shirt and car decal orders. There are a ton of possibilities and avenues I am trying.

Of course I will always be doing my YouTube channel. My channel is my baby, my number one favorite thing to do. I will be uploading a video hopefully sometime this week. I am still trying to manage being a single mom and homeschooling and working at the same time. Currently it is midnight and I put my kids down an hour and a half ago. Are they in bed. Nope. They are laying on the couch behind me kicking me.

Thank you so much my Hippies for taking the time to read this and check in on me. I appreciate every single one of you. If you want to be the first to see what this Hippy has been up too be sure to hit that sign up button. If are interested in seeing this Hippy in action be sure to head over to my YouTube channel, the link is below.


Thank you so much for reading my Hippies. Have a beautiful day and be sure to live like today was your last because you deserve happiness and a full life!