What’s Up Wednesday 12/29/2020

What is up my Hippies? I am hoping you have had a great holiday. Whether you followed social distancing or not, I hope everyone got to see their family somehow. I spent my Christmas with my in-laws. They were very kind to invite me to their Christmas celebration. I got a beautiful new wallet, I was literally just complaining about how the wallet I have now is not big enough. 

So, coming up this week I will be listing new items in my online shop as well as Etsy. I know I recently complained about how I was not liking Etsy, but they did get me some sales. As of right now, personal custom orders have been my main source of orders. Etsy coming in second and my online store coming in last. If you have any tips as to maybe why my online store is not picking up, comments would be very much appreciated. Either way, new jewelry is coming your way. 

One of the items that will be added to the collection has a very special meaning to me. I feel very passionate about the near extinction of bees. If you don’t know, why would you, I am deathly allergic to bees so a lot of people are like “why care, they can kill you”. None of that matters. Bees are so super duper important to the earth and our lives. If you haven’t looked into this topic I will be talking more about facts and statistics so you can educate yourself, in the video introducing the necklace. I know I have said a lot about bees just now and that is because I am adding a beautiful bee necklace to my collection this week. I want my pieces to spark conversations about important topics. The idea is that when someone comments on your beautiful necklace you can say “oh thank you, I bought it from HippyLife Crafts. Did you know that the bees are near extinction?” and then it will go on from there and then that person will tell someone and then before you know it, boom. We saved the bees! 

I am totally kidding, but like how cool would that bee? Ha ha get it? 

I know I am very punny. 

I have been feeling some seasonal depression. If you are not aware, seasonal depression is a wave of depression that super smart scientists have noticed happens around the holidays. Its insanely high in December in America. Knowing this, I am not really alarmed, this holiday season is really hard without traveling and not seeing family. I mention this because I want anyone to know these facts. I believe it is super important to speak up for mental health to help end the stigma. I was under the impression that I was odd and the only one that had these problems for years. Once I started getting help and talking to people about it I learned that it is super normal. If you are having some down times or bad thoughts you can always get 24/7 help from the link down below 

I am not sponsored by them or affiliated with them in any way. I am simply one human who cares about you. 

I really hope you guys like this post and will share with your friends. This really helps me to know that you guys are enjoying my content. It helps get my posts out into the world for more people to see. So please take five seconds to like and share this post. As always, I love you guys so much, you guys are the reason I do this. I hope you have a beautiful week. I will see you next Wednesday!

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