What’s Up Wednesday 1/20/2021

What is up my Hippies? Man, it has been a week for me. I have been pretty busy this week with kids appointments, mailing packages, my car not working, just so much so let’s just jump on in.
First, I did want to let you Hippies know about my giveaway. I have been doing a giveaway a week for the past two weeks, this will be the third and final week. So if you have been living under a rock and have not already entered I will post the link down below. This weeks giveaway is for any of my HippyLife jewelry pieces. I wanted to let you guys pick which one you wanted. So far I have a beautiful Bumble Bee necklace that is meant to be worn as a conversation piece to raise awareness about the extinction of the bees, which we all know is mandatory for human survival. Next I have a silver Dragon’s Foot Ear clip. When I ordered these I was worried about the clip being too tight and hurting my ear, but there is a soft padded thing in the clip and it doesn’t close down too hard so you can’t even tell its there once you have it on. Finally, I have a cute little Peace is Pretty anklet, its blue with gold outline and I think it gives off a cute little Hippy vibe. I always wear a anklet, like for years now. Right now I have on a blue string sea turtle anklet, but I think its time for me to switch it up to the peace sign. These are all of the options you can choose from if you win the giveaway this week. Once again, I will post the link to enter the giveaway as well as the link to order your HippyLife jewelry down below.
Other than my weekly giveaway and listing all of the jewelry on Etsy, I have been working really super hard to get rid of my “death pile”. This is a like, business/seller term that I just learned about, all it is is a pile of crap that you have bought and never crafted, never listed online, never did anything with it and now its just sitting there in a pile somewhere saying “feed me Seymore”. I knew I had this pile, of crafts that never got crafted, I just never knew it had a term until I was watching a YouTube video on like “top 10 tips to help your business”. The lady said that its an awful habit that can really hurt your business and it made sense. If your buying something your spending money on it, letting it sit there and not doing anything with it is kinda like loosing money. So this week I have been determined to get my “death pile” out of my craft drawers and onto Etsy. So far it is slow going, just because its a lot to craft, but the good thing is that all of that crap has been sitting there for so long I already know what I want to with it, so there’s no creative process that needs to happen just me getting up and doing it. I will say that I am pleasantly surprised about the outcome. I have completed 3 crafts and listed them on just Facebook, not even Etsy and they sold in less than 24 hours. This is for sure going to be a tip that I am going to try and burn into my brain, to always take care of my “death pile” because it WILL make me money.
Other than my HippyLife Crafts stuff, my kids just had like a ton of appointments today and I don’t know why, but it just drains me. Driving all around, getting in and out of the car with kids, driving back into town, it’s just a lot sometimes. Where we live unfortunately doesn’t have a lot of doctors and specialists, so we have to drive out of town for almost all of our appointments. I am just glad that my car is good on gas. Speaking of my car, it has been being a butt lately. I call my car “the mom machine” just FYI. That his name, just go with it. The mom machine will just randomly not start and I’ve Google’d and YouTube’d and had people look at it, they have hooked it up to fancy machine and ran tests on it, no one can seem to figure out why it does that. As of right now, it is starting just fine, so I guess I’ll just keep going until it doesn’t start again and then put it in a shop. I just need time to figure out rides for the kids school and stuff while it’s gone. It be aight. I’m not too worried about it. I do need The Mom Machine to mail off your packages, and do all my good stuff for this page and all of my other pages doe.
Next week I will put out my regular “What’s Up Wednesday’s” for you guys, but there will not be a giveaway, I’m sorry. It is my daughter’s birthday next week, silent mom tear, and I will just be too busy with that to do a giveaway. There are times when every working person needs to take a step back and focus on family, I know you guys understand. Thank you guys for understanding.
That is it for this weeks “What’s Up Wednesday”. I hope you enjoyed reading and I will have all of the links I mentioned up there down below so you guys can go and check out that good good. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to stop and read, it means to much to me that you did. I hope that you enter the HippyLife Crafts jewelry giveaway, and I hope you win! I love you Hippies so much. Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay beautiful ya’ll.

Here is the link to this weeks giveaway

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