What’s Up Wednesday 4/21

What is up my Hippies? It has been quite a while since ya girl has posted and caught you up on what this Hippy has been doing. 

Here is the blog from last Wednesday is you wanted to catch up on that info

What’s Up Wednesday 12/29/2020

I apologize for being absent for a while.Texas went through a major snow storm. We were stuck in the house for like a freaking week! I just got really down. I had no motivation, and it lasted. It has freaking lasted too long. If you are not a regular on my blog, I suffer from depression. It is something I openly talk about in hope that I can maybe help one person feel less alone in the battle. I had gotten a message from someone from another country wanting to order some masks, but there was no way I could fulfil the order. It really upset me. Someone said something ugly about my background. I haven’t made any videos because of this. I laid around and was just sad. 

One day I got up and refused to let it stop me from doing something. I focused on just one task that I have been wanting to accomplish. My car. I have been really wanting to take care of my car. Inside and out, I have kinda let it go. So I got a car wash and put so many fluids in my car. All of the fluids. I cut out some stickers and decorated the sides. I now feel a lot better than I normally do. I am proud of myself. 

Tomorrow I plan on listing some Bob’s Burgers masks that I have been working on. I have also made some Bob’s Burgers herb or tobacco grinders that I want to list. I am making a lot of Bob’s Burgers items lately, I guess because it makes me happy.  

I have also been wanting to make something to improve my product pictures. I haven’t been so happy with them. The lighting is just so hard for me to get right. If you have any tips, they would be greatly appreciated if you would comment them down below. Please and Thank you!! 

That is it for today my Hippies. I love and thank you all so much. Every single one of you that reads my blogs, like or subscribes to my posts, you are the bestest. Down below is the link to my FaceBook page





 I have also included a link to a few links for depression resources…Just know that you are not alone 

I have not personally used any of these websites, but I hope they can be of some help



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