HippyLife Lip Balm Review

What is up my Hippies! I have been super busy lately working on my HippyLife crafts shop. (I will post the link at the bottom of this blog) Recently I did a little “pop-up shop” at a local coffee shop and again at Sew Many Things (here is the link to that video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glq-Tk0YP80). I have really enjoyed getting out and into the community and letting ya’ll see what amazing products I have to offer.

One of the amazing new products I have for you is my line of HippyLife Lip Balm. This lip balm is freaking amazing yall. I have been using it for about a month now and I love it. The very first thing I love about it is that it does not give me pimples. I don’t normally wear lip balms or lip glosses for that reason, I almost alwasy get a pimple either on or around my lips, but not with this. I think the reason it doesn’t break me out is because its all natural and organic. That means it doesn’t have any pore clogging gunk like the store bought lip balms and glosses do.

The ingredients in my lip balm are organic. There is a ton of vitamins in it like, K, E, and B-12! It makes your freaking lips feel like silk. its not greasy feeling, but it makes your lips look super glossy. I have sold a few so far and every customer have said the love how soft it makes their lips feel. I love how fast it heals my chapped lips. I feel like I have chapped lips year ’round, you can ask my dad how many tubs of Carmex I went through A MONTH! I am the queen of chapped lips, for some reason.

I started my journey to make and create this lip balm because I actually hate how much Carmex I use. I am sure there are a ton of other people out there that have these chapped lips 24/7 but don’t like the store options, we want something healthier. Well look no further baby, because you found it. I know that was cringe, sorry guys.

With that being said, HA! The lip balms are Mimosa flavored and scented, I think it tastes like strawberry Champaign. The scent is light and not over powering, I can not stand when I put on a product and the smell is so strong that’s all I can smell for the next four hours. I really don’t have that problem with this.

Here is the link to my HippyLife Lip Balm line


Go and check it out for yourself. These will make a great stocking stuffer or on your night stand for when your lips need the ol razzle dazzle. That is my review of this amazing lip balm. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop and read my review. If you enjoyed yourself, and we both know you did, be sure to like this blog and give it a share. When you share my posts it helps support my dreams. That is what this is, my dream! I love you guys so much and thank you for all of your support. Be sure to have a beautiful day my Hippies!

What’s Up Wednesday 12/9/20

What is up my Hippies? I hope you all have been doing ok. I know I posted a few nights ago on Facebook about my anxiety. It happens and I felt a lot better after I talked about it. I didn’t want you guys to worry, I am doing ok with my anxiety. I am sure, with the holidays coming up, I am not the only one a little more anxious right now. It helps me to talk about it though it may not help you, and that’s ok.

So lets just jump right in, this week I have been working on a ton. I have a custom T-Shirt order that I have been fulfilling. I always love custom orders because they allow me to let out some of my inner creativity. I have also been waiting on a shipment of more essential oils to come in. I ordered peppermint oil to make “candy cane” bath bombs. I also ordered sweet orange oil, not sure what I will do with that, I just know I love the smell of sweet orange oil so I know my Hippies will too. The last oil I ordered was eucalyptus oil, this will be put into my “Shower Sprinkles”. I absolutely love these because they clear out your congestion like nothing else.

I am not really congested like with a cold, or like winter congestion, but like allergies. Here in Texas it is cold, but like a dry cold. There is still a bunch of dead leaves and dander and crap in the air. I normally don’t have allergies passed the fall, but oh well its 2020 and nothing makes sense anymore. I also like using the eucalyptus on my kids to help with the never ending snot flow coming out of their face holes. Ya know, like most kids have in the winter.

Other than making all of these amazing bath bombs, I just got some jewelry in and I am super excited to list it on my website tomorrow. I ordered bee necklaces because I think we need to spread more awareness about the threat on bees currently going on. If bees go extinct, so do we. The necklaces are beautiful and have a cute bee on them. I think they will make great conversation pieces. The rest will have to be a surprise for you guys.

That is What’s Up this Wednesday! I hope you guys enjoyed this read. If you did please be sure to share this blog with your friends, please. This helps me to know you guys enjoy what your reading. Don’t forget to stop by my HippyLife Crafts website to see all of my goodies and if you want to see my website lay out. Here is the link to that https://synthesizer-lion-x38h.squarespace.com/config/

Here is the link to my HippyLife YouTube page so you can see what this Hippy looks like IRL


I hope all of my Hippies have a great rest of your week. Be sure to catch your favorite Hippy this Saturday for a Pop-Up shop, the info is listed in this link https://www.facebook.com/events/750751132185938

Love you guys, MUAH!

Why This Hippy Decided To Leave Etsy…

What is up my favorite people? I hope you are having a fantastic day today, I know I sure am. I recently have decided to leave Etsy. This was a fairly easy decision to make for me. I have only been on Etsy for about a month and a half now and already, I am moving on to another site, another way of selling my crafts.

I have around twenty products available right now so I am needing a site that I can depend on. Not a site that is going to take all of my money. When I first started I just wanted to get my products online so they can start selling and I can start making money. I mean that’s everyone’s goal, right? Well it kinda back fired on me.

Etsy has a ton of fees that are hidden, a few that are in your face and upfront, but most of the fees I had to look up and find out for myself, the hard way. They charge you a percent of your shipping cost. They charge a portion of the money you make selling your actual product.

Etsy is a search engine, just like Google. Etsy has complete control over which products and which stored get pushed to the top of the searches. There is a certain way Etsy wants you to advertise yourself and your products. If chose not to follow or if you simply don’t know to follow these rules, Etsy will not put you at the top.

How upsetting is that? You put in all of this hard work, you create or supply a great product and 1) Etsy is taking a ton of fees and 2) Etsy has complete control over if your shop will be successful or not.

Having said that, if you are just starting out on Etsy and do not have at least fourty items in your shop, you wont be up high in the searches when people look items up. So how do you get successful on Etsy?

One way is through Etsy advertising. These are ads that Etsy puts out and only charge you if someone click on the ad. This is where I got screwed. Etsy makes it seem like it is such a low fee, like you only have to pay if someone is going to be looking and possibly buying.

I really don’t want to make it seem like I am just ranting and hating on Etsy. I am going to make this short. I was on Etsy for a month and a half, more or less. I made five sales through promoting myself on social media and through in person “pop-up shops”. I sold two items on Etsy. These sales were made through Etsy ads. Today was pay day, awe yeaaaaa. Um no. I only got a grand total of five dollars deposited into my account.

Yes, you read that right. For a month of my hard work, after all of the fees and BULL Etsy thought it was appropriate to pay me five dollars!

So I know you are probably wondering what I am going to do now. How will sell my products and crafts. I have since switched to SquareSpace. The difference between the two is very simple. Etsy have all of those fees and BS as to SquareSpace which is a once a month fee of twenty five dollars. Very huge difference. So now when I make a sale a hundred percent of that money is going straight to me. This means more money into my business. How amazing is that.

So thank you guys for taking time out of you busy lives to read this, I hope this can save some of you guys some money and hassle. If you were thinking about selling your handmade crafts or anything really, I do not recommend Etsy.

If you liked this read, please comment down below and let me know! I have no idea if your reading this or like what your reading if you don’t tell me!

Here is the link to my new shop. Please go take a look at least to let me know what you think or maybe what you want to see more of on there!


This is the link to stay up to date with all of the things this Hippy is doing and where the next Pop-Up shop will be!


I Am Back My Hippies!

What is up my Hippies? I am not going to just stroll back in here like I didn’t just take a huge hiatus from yall. Where TF did I go? What have I been doing? So many questions that I plan on answering here, right here, right now! 

This Hippy has been through so much in the past few years, like who hasn’t? The biggest thing that I wanted to let yall know and kinda explain to y’all is that I got divorced. Shock!! I know, the big D word. I know it makes everyone uncomfortable, but all I want to say is that we are both much happier now and it was very mutual. I am sorry if you’re not a fan of my name change or “brand” change, I don’t really like it a ton either. I thought HIppyWife HippyLife was way more visually pleasing, but I don’t know, I am not a wife anymore so there is no use in lying to yall like that. 

Aside from getting divorced, I have been moving around and just working on finding myself. I try to be open and honest with you guys about my mental health. I do suffer from anxiety and depression. It has been about seven years now that I consider my “mental health journey” meaning that I have been actively working on my mental health. To explain a little further I am really working on doing only things that make me happy. I know that sometimes you have to do things that you don’t want to do. I am talking about the really big things in life, like your job, your friends, behaviors in my kids. I am really working on manifesting the life that I truly want. 

I feel like a lot of times when people have the same job they hate or the same spouse they hate for a million years because they just get stuck in a rut. I believe that it is never too late to change your life. You’re never too old, don’t let it be scary. 

All of these things are why I have decided to dedicate myself to you guys full time. I am going to fill my Etsy shop with tons of new Hippy items, so you guys can wear the same stuff I am. Your house can be adorably decorated. I mean the sky’s the limit yall! I will be releasing new videos and revamping my HippyLife YouTube channel. This way when you order a product from my Etsy shop you can then click the link to my YouTube channel and see how to use it or set it up. I will be releasing at least one piece of content a week from this point out. I am super excited and I hope yall are too. 

I just wanted to take a quick minute my Hippies to just say thank you!! Thank you so much for continuing to support me and this blog. I know it takes a minute out of your day to read this, but thank you. It really means a lot to me when I look at my stats and I see that you read my blog posts or watched my videos. It really makes my day. 

With all of that being said, what do y’all want to see in the future? It doesn’t necessarily have to be Hippy related. It could be anything, maybe something you’ve seen online and want to recreate, it could be a hot-to video. Comment down below to let me know what yall want to see coming. As always like this page and subscribe to stay up to date on all that this Hippy is doing. Stay peaceful and have a beautiful day my Hippies!!

Here is the link to my Etsy shop 


Here is the link to my YouTube 


Here is the link to my FaceBook 



Update 10/18

Hello my Hippies! I hope you are having a beautiful day today, or night if you are reading this at night. Either way I hope your life is beautiful right now. I just wanted to take a quick minute to update all of my Hippies on what has been going on with me lately.

First off, I am super excited to announce, that I will be joining the Scentsy team. I am super excited. But I don’t want you to feel like this is a sales pitch, so I am going to talk about my life and my kids for a minute.

First off, for real this time… Just kidding. I have been doing much better lately with my depression. I have finally got an official diagnosis, which has made my life a ton better. I know a ton of women, specifically moms, that do suffer with some type of depression or anxiety, it really helps to know your diagnosis. This allows you to research what is going on with your body and possibly allow you down the path to proper medication. I know “HippyLife” but honestly, there is no shame in the medication game. You do what you need to do to be the best you!

So knowing my diagnosis and being able to research it has made things a lot easier for me. I always try to encourage people to go out and seek help if they are experiencing mental health issues.

Other than my mental health journey I have been on a great home school journey. We are on day like 40 of kindergarten and preschool and I can honestly say it is going smoothly. home school just works for us. Gotta say, its not for everybody and that is okay. So far we have been on 4 field trips and are about to dissect a pumpkin tomorrow. I am super excited to see if my kids will actually play in a pumpkin as a sensory activity.

So back to my Scentsy project. I will be joining the Scentsy team officially the first of November, my page will launch, I will start bugging people to try my products, it will be mayhem. Only kidding. it is going to be awesome. Not only am I going to be a independent Scentsy representative, but I will also be offering used Scentsy products and repair. I want to be everyone’s discount Scentsy girl. I want to offer gift baskets and holiday decor with a sweet smelling theme. I want to be everyone’s one stop shop for any presents for any occasion.

I have my business plan in the works.  I have a model and an outline. Now I am just working to make the money to order my kit. Once I order my kit and get things going, there is no stopping me. I really believe in my business and in myself. I know that I can stay home and home school my kids and make good money. So I am super excited about that, I am super excited to launch my Scentsy page with all of my discounted products.

Make sure to hit that subscribe button. Be sure to go over to the “Hippy Email sign up” to stay up to date with all of my latest content and be the first to know when my Scentsy products launch. Stay connected with home school projects, sensory bins, and a ton more. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have a beautiful life my Hippies.

Where You Been?

What is up my Hippies? How have you been? I know I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a minute, but I am back and in full swing. This Hippy would never leave you for too long. I just needed to take some time for myself. I will explain what I mean by that.

First off, I am no longer a wife. My husband and I have been separated for a few months now. I was having some problems with my depression being out of control, topped with anxiety. I had a few things that I needed to work on. My husband and I had agreed to take a break and separate for the time being to work on ourselves.  Honestly, we are so much better parents now. Being happier has improved our own happiness and that has since reflected onto our kids. I can proudly say we are not fighting, no one is being ugly. It is the happiest situation possible. As of right now I am just putting my faith in God and following my heart on what I think is best for myself and my kids.

I want to just take a minute to suggest if you are going through a rough time, dealing with depression or anxiety or any other mental health problems, you are not alone and there are a ton of resources for help. Someone cares about you and there is always someone who wants to listen and help.

I am looking to the future now. What does that mean for this Hippy? Well I honestly don’t know a hundred percent. As of right now I am trying to find a way to home school my kids during the day and work at night or on the weekends. My kids naturally take great naps and sleep in in the morning, we are a sleeping bunch, so staying up late is not a problem for me. If you are wanting to see what my business is looking like here is the link.


I have a dream of supporting myself and my kids by selling my crafts. I plan on marketing special needs parents and moms. I feel this is a area I have a deep connection with. I also plan on making month subscription boxes for home schooled kids their parents. I have recently reached out to a few bands and businesses and am working on making some shirt and car decal orders. There are a ton of possibilities and avenues I am trying.

Of course I will always be doing my YouTube channel. My channel is my baby, my number one favorite thing to do. I will be uploading a video hopefully sometime this week. I am still trying to manage being a single mom and homeschooling and working at the same time. Currently it is midnight and I put my kids down an hour and a half ago. Are they in bed. Nope. They are laying on the couch behind me kicking me.

Thank you so much my Hippies for taking the time to read this and check in on me. I appreciate every single one of you. If you want to be the first to see what this Hippy has been up too be sure to hit that sign up button. If are interested in seeing this Hippy in action be sure to head over to my YouTube channel, the link is below.


Thank you so much for reading my Hippies. Have a beautiful day and be sure to live like today was your last because you deserve happiness and a full life!

HippyWife Meets Kreayshawn

Hello my Hippies! How are you guys today? I am a little hungover to be honest, sitting here eating delivery pizza thinking about the amazing night I had last night.

My birthday was last June and I decided that I wanted to go to the Kreayshawn concert as my “present”. I originally saw the event on FaceBook being held in Austin at the Empire Control Room and Garage (606 E 7th St, Austin, TX 78701). I started following them on Facebook just because that is my habit. Anytime I see a new venue or restaurant or person I am interested in I start following them on all of their social media. This is something I often wonder if it is for nothing, but I can honestly say I am so freaking glad I did. The Empire Control Room posted a link on the Kreayshawn concert event page on FaceBook for a meet and greet contest. All you had to do is comment on the link a picture or video of you fidget spinning. Fidget spinners were like the theme of this “tour” or “concert”.

So when browsing through  the other contest entries I was so disappointed. They were so lame! There was only like three entries up until the last day. The entries were people fidget spinning in their cubical, fidget spinner selfies, and a fidget spinning hand in front of a laptop. To be honest, I just felt like they really didn’t try or want it as bad as I did. I really really really wanted to go hard. So I told my husband about the contest and we came up with a plan.

Kreayshawn cover Pic

I have a wall in my work room painted with chalkboard. I had just  bought a pack of neon chalk and I was ready. I spent probably about two hours total coloring a graffiti themed background for my video. You can check out my mad chalkboard skills in my future videos. I am super hype to use this as a resource to bring my Hippies more educational and entertaining videos…Just saying. You can see my bathroom and very messy work desk, its really nothing fancy.

So Now it is the afternoon, I have spent all morning working on my mural, I have used all of my chalk and some of my fingertips. I am all dressed up, the hair, the makeup. I got my fidget spinner. I got my lights set up. I got my tripod and camera rolling. Music is thumpin.

Annnnnnd I just freeze up.

Making a video where you have to entertain people is totally different than educating people. I have no clue why, but I just couldn’t do it. I started sweating, I got so overheated. My husband and I decided to just go on with our day and we would come back to it later. So we went on with our day, we went to a family BBQ. It was a really great time. Here is my little nugget doing her thang…

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and outdoor

So it is now night time and the nuggets are with their Nana. I have picked up a big bottle of cheap wine and I am ready to do this. It was during this time I learned something about myself. I have no fidget spinner skills. Like none. Like that little metal contraption hates my knuckles and he knows I have no problem telling him whats up. I am pretty tipsy at this point and still super nervous. My husband has to keep reminding me how bad I want to meet Kreayshawn and how I am entertaining and I could do it. So I did it. I got some magnets and I put the fidget spinners on my bra and I turned the music on and danced my way into the concert. My logic behind why I put the spinners on my titties was so I could just dance and maybe no one would notice I can’t fidget spin, but I can totally play with my titties.

I am so proud of myself putting myself out there like that. I wanted it and I didn’t give up. Well I did give up plenty of times, but ultimately I pulled myself together and believed that I could do it. Not because I thought my Hippies would enjoy seeing Kreayshawn, I never do this for the views. I did it for Alison. I am a mom and I don’t do things that I want to and that’s not ok. But for once, in a long time, I made a choice to do it for me, because I wanted it. That’s hard for us moms.

Something else I have learned during this experience is that Kreayshawn is a mom too. Many people do not know that. I got a chance to talk to her about being a mom and how she handles it. Not a whole lot, but a good chat about the beauties of nap time. It was at the time I realized that she is just some bitch that had a dream and made it happen, despite the amount of times she wanted to quit. I am sure she would have rather been at home, in bed with her nugget instead of talking to my face. I found a great video of Kreayshawn talking about depression and anxiety. Definitely worth a watch.

It was also in my drunk ramblings to my husband after the concert that I realized  Kreayshawn has been an inspiration for me since high school. When I was in high school I was in a program that would allow us to ride in buses to the elementary school across the way to student teach. One morning it was so dark and gloomy, which it was every morning but this morning I just really didn’t feel up to it. One of my friends randomly stands up and yells “ONE BIG BUS, FULL OF BAD BITCHES”.  I have always loved that friend but for some reason that day it just got to my heart. Like you can be a bad bitch no matter what it is your doing, even teaching kindergarten. She really brightened up the whole bus. To this day when people ask me why I do so much for my kids or how I do everything that I do, I believe that is the reason. I am a mom, but I am still a bad bitch. So if your name rhymes with “Tarissa” thank you for that reminder! Your a bad ass bitch!

And also, while I am rambling about my past…When it was time for me to start spoon feeding my daughter I wanted to make my own baby food but could not find a efficient method. My husband found this video for me. So I had no idea I was feeding my daughter the same time Kreayshawn was feeding her son. And if I ever gave you advice on how to make your own baby food this is where I got my info from…


Kreayshawn is a super sweet person who goes out of her way to show fans she appreciates the stuff you do. I really want to encourage all of my Hippies, if you ever get a chance to meet Kreayshawn, take it. Go meet her, wear your fidget titties and for sure tell her this Hippy sent you!!! Even if you do not like her music, she is worth the chat.

Remember you are a bad ass bitch no matter what you are doing, even wiping butts. Always follow your dreams, as little or small as they may be, they matter. Never give up, as hard as it may seem if you keep going life will keep going.


My outfit cost me $20 with the shoes and everything! I feel freakin hot!

Look at that..I partied so hard I lost a damn leg…



Empire Control Room and Garage Review

Hello my Hippies! This past weekend I got an amazing opportunity and I want to just share my experience with my Hippies. If you frequent 6th street in Austin, Texas you should have an idea of where I am talking about and the scenery. Austin is know for its live music, this is something I take pride in growing up in Texas. Naturally I have been to about a billion different shows, but only recently started going to shows closer to 6th street. The Empire Control Room and Garage is my latest find and definitely have enjoyed this one the most.

Located at 606 E 7th St, Austin, TX, the Empire Control Room is, to me, the perfect venue. Not too big and not too small. I think what won my heart about this venue was all of the seating. I have never been to a show that has had seating let alone enough for everybody who wanted to sit down. The bathrooms were very clean and well stocked, that is a rarity. Most venues have cups and alcohol all over the floor, its a very sticky mess. I was very surprised to see staff actively cleaning up and helping people who had spilled on accident.

The Empire staff was insanely sweet. Every single person I talked to was kind and down to earth, ready to help me out.  Also, mad props to staff for actively controlling the ac, most venues do not care if you sweat to death. I had also noticed coolers with water on a lot of the tables for people to help themselves. The vibe this place gives off is that they want you to have a good time, but they also care about you. Why else put out water? I have never seen that before. I really enjoyed the a bar tender, she had such a fun attitude. Oh man, I can not forget the great alcohol selection.

One thing that I do want to add in my Hippies is that I got to go to the concert and meet Kreayshawn by winning a contest the Empire Control Room held on their FaceBook page. I did not pay a thing! So if you are not following them on FaceBook and other social media sites you need to be! I will be keeping my eyes peeled for more opportunities to win free passes.

Here is a quick little video of Kreayshawn DJ’ing so you can get an idea of the venue. I am sorry the lighting is not the best, neither is the sound…Someone buy me a better phone…

Thank you so much my Hippies for reading. Please follow this Hippy on all of my many social media sites to stay up to date on all of my reviews and concerts.

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/dathippiedoe/

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dathippydoe/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DatHippyDoe

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/hippywifehippylife

Here is the link to all of the Empire Control Room and Garage’s social media sites so you can try to win some free stuff too!

Website: http://empireatx.com/

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpireATX

Insta:  https://www.instagram.com/empireatx/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmpireATX

Tumblr: http://empireatx.tumblr.com/

Elgin TX Public Library Review

Hello my Hippies! I wanted to take a minute to share with you one of my favorite little gems in Elgin, Texas. I have been going to the Elgin Public Library for about four years now. Since before my daughter could even sit up, I would have to hold her up in my lap. It was so cute. So now my daughter is four and I can honestly say we have been to a million and twelve library events. I can also honestly say that I have loved every single one of them.

Yesterday we spent the afternoon attending the “Dia De Los Ninos” celebration. WIN_20170430_15_56_12_Panorama

One of our towns local restaurants, Mariscos De La Costa located at 109 Hwy 290 east, hosted the event and gave away free kids meals. How cool! There were snow cones, pop corn, a bouncy castle, and face painting all for free.

My son particularly loved the Elgin Fire Department allowing him to terrorize their truck for a few minutes.


My favorite part was the beautiful ballet folklorio. The girls did an amazing job. 


Other than celebrating Dia De Los Ninos, the library hosts a ton of other events. There is a Halloween festival at the beginning of every October. There is always a magic show and balloon animals and a ton of other contests and things to do. Now I don’t mean to brag, but my crew has won the costume contest twice now.

Here is my oldest’s first year going and first year winning! We were matching ladybugs. 


Here is little man. We shaved his head that summer so we thought he looked like “baby Gandhi”


Here he is with his prize basket.

Baby Ghandi

The Christmas time Gingerbread decorating party is another tradition for our family. Sign up is required. Every kid gets their own little gingerbread house and candy. It is really cute and the kids have a blast. 

Library Gingr

This week the library is celebrating Children’s Book Week. Here is a cute little pic of us last year. We were assigned “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”. We read the book, made a craft, and ate a FREE dinner.


I really do not want to stop with all of the pictures. but I will because I have so many. The Elgin Public Library really is amazing.

I want to recommend if you have a child under the age of five that you highly consider taking them to story time every Tuesday. There is a bigger kid story time program for ages three to five at ten thirty, we do not go to that one. We do to the lap sit program at ten forty five. The lap sit program is for ages newborn to two. We still go to this one anyways, along with a bunch of other moms. It does not matter how old your child is, the librarian does not care. I take my kids to this program for a few different reasons. My daughter is an avoider, she would not go and play with the other children. I used the time after we sang our songs and read our book to let her go and try to play with the other kids. When we first started she would cling to me, over time with a lot of patience and coaxing, she runs right through that library like she owns the place. My son on the other hand has a problem with controlling his body. He has no problem rampaging through the tidy little children’s area like a tornado with a vengeance. So for him I use the song and story time as a way to work with him on sitting still and following directions. I know a lot of moms who say “oh my kid is way to loud” or “my kid would never sit through something like that”. Its ok! My kid doesn’t either, but we are working on it.  It is a judgement free zone.

Backgrounds (1)

There is a ton of activities the children’s program offers that I have not even touched on like Wednesday night craft, movie night every month, summer reading program. There is too much.

Other than all of that, the adult part of the library has their own long list of activities. One in particular I do want people to know about is the special needs support group for people with a loved one with special needs. It is the second Friday of every month and children are welcome. I have never been able to catch the group, but I have always thought it would be a great place for me to go and connect with others that may have children with special needs as well. If you have been I would love to hear about it if you message me or comment down below.

Backgrounds (2)

There really is a ton of amazing activities that are offered by the Children’s program and the adult side of the library. I suggest you follow both the regular library and children’s library pages on Facebook, that is how I keep up with all of the activities.

Here is the link to the regular library page 


Here is the link to the children’s library page


If you pop into the library there is cute little colored print outs you can take with you, I also try to grab one of these and tape it into my planner. That is it for today my Hippies. I honestly could go on and on about how much I love and appreciate all of the amazing FREE programs at our library, but I am sure you get the point. Its awesome, lots of stuff to do. Even if you do not live in Texas I still want to encourage you to check out your local library. I am sure you will find something there for you to do.

If there is anything that I did not go into enough detail about or you have a question about, please comment and let me know. Thank you so much for reading about our adventures. If you would like to see more from this Hippy make sure you sign up for my HippyEmail list so you can get all of my latest content sent right to you. I also have a YouTube channel where you can watch all of my adventures, as well as Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. If you head into the Elgin Public Library make sure you tell them this Hippy sent you! Have a Beautiful day my Hippies.

 Here are some fun pictures of our library adventures. 

This is Easter.


This is Andy’s gingerbread house from last year.



Hello my Hippies! What a wonderful Earth Week! In honor of mother earth I will be reviewing some of my favorite Hippy products that I use everyday! Now, these shoes I just bought I obviously have not been wearing for very long, but I can already say they are so incredibly comfortable.


I can not get over the tiny details on this shoe. I love the stitching color, I love the leather on the back. I love the fit of this shoe. I love everything about this shoe.


I just want to take a second and talk about a brand and a shoe that you probably already know about, Toms. The really cute hipster shoe that a lot of soccer moms are wearing now days. I really love the idea of me buying a shoe and a child in need somewhere else receiving a free pair of shoes. Toms has a “One for One” campaign that they actively promote and fund.

I am sure you have already heard about the pairs of shoes that they give to the needy, they also do a ton of other stuff. For every pair of super cute Toms eyeglasses they provide eye exams, glasses, eye saving surgery, and medical treatment to people in need. For every bag of Toms brand coffee you buy they provide someone in need with a weeks worth of clean water. For every High Roads backpack you buy they provide training to school counselors and crisis counselors to help aid people who have been bullied.  For every bag you purchase you are giving the gift of safe birth to someone in need.

Its not just shoes, or sunglasses, or coffee. Its a world of difference to someone in need. One out of every five students reports being bullied. Every year over three million women and babies can be saved by investing in simple, quality care for birth and aftercare. Cataracts, glaucoma, and trachoma are the leading causes of blindness in underdeveloped countries. More than thirty five percent of the worlds population does not have access to sanitized water systems. I hope you are able to look at these items a bit differently now and can maybe rethink your next shoe or bag purchase. We are all very fortunate, we are all very blessed. I do not know one person in my life that has every not had access to clean water or a clean birth. I am sure you do not know one person that has had to go blind because they simply do not have access to eye care. That is a beautiful, fortunate world we live in. Go out into the world today my Hippies and just try to give back in some way. Appreciate the simple necessities you have. Have a beautiful day my Hippies.

Here is the link to the shoes that I bought. They are in kids sizes. Tip from me to you, if you can fit in kids sizes they are cheaper than adult sizes. About $10-20 difference!


Here is a few more links to some super cute items, well just items I want. Maybe I just made a personal wish list. 


Someone PLEASE buy this shoe for me. Oh Goodness!


I am thinking of buying this and using it as a diaper bag, what do you think?


If you have ever tasted this coffee please let me know. I am going to be trying a bag soon. I will be sure to let everyone know how amazing it tastes.





