What’s Up Wednesday 1/13/2021

What is up my Hippies? I can not be the only one that is super duper hype that 2020 is over, like I just cant be. Please comment down below and let this Hippy know how happy you are that the train wreck that was 2020 is over. I really can’t wait to read some of these comments, they are always super funny. 

I know I haven’t done my normal “What’s up Wednesday’s” in a couple weeks and I do want to apologize. I mentioned in my last blog that Christmas was kinda hard on me. I got really down and it is normal for people to feel more down or depressed in December, around the holidays. If you missed that blog I will post the link to it down below. Since then, New Years happened and while I am happy to start a new year, I can’t help but still feel a little fear about what is to come. The world is kinda crazy right now with the Corona Virus going around and getting worse, politics are just insane right now, financially people are not doing good, it is all just a little overwhelming. BUT, but we can not think like that and give into those negative thoughts. With a New Year there are all sorts of new possibilities that can happen and I don’t want to just think about the bad ones or the ones that make me uncomfortable. I am going to choose to think about all of the good possibilities like for this blog, for my crafts business and for myself. That’s the kind of energy that I want to put out into the universe. 

I do want to take a second and mention that if you have been feeling down, sad, or depressed that is totally normal, especially for this time of year. December is the worse month for depression and suicide. So if you or someone you love is feeling like this there are a ton of people you can talk to about this for absolutely FREE. Do not be ashamed, I am not ashamed to admit that I have used these free lines a couple times in my life and they always make me feel better. Its %100 confidential and you can hang up at any time if you don’t like it. Here are some links to some places that you can call and get some help or just talk to someone. 


It snowed on Sunday this week and that really was a first for me. Being from texas for most of my life, I really haven’t been around any snow, but this was like snow. Like it was full on snowing in Texas, it was insane. My car was covered in all beautiful white snow. It was gorgeous, until the next day when it all started melting and then there was so much mud and it was super slippery. My daughter and I tried to make a snowman, but she was super impatient and just smashed it halfway through. Oh well, at least she had fun. I also stepped in some yellow snow a neighborhood dog left in our yard, so that was another first for me. 

Yesterday I released a beautiful piece of jewelry into the shop. It is a beautiful bumble bee necklace. I wanted to pick jewelry that had some sort of meaning or purpose and this bee necklace is just that. When I wear my bee necklace I want people to see it and ask about it, like they normally do, so I can bring up that the bees are going extinct at an alarming rate. We really need change our ways and start working towards preserving their homes and not killing them because we are afraid of them. I did a ton of research about bees so when you order the necklace you will also receive a little card with great facts to bring up in conversation. I am hoping by selling these necklaces this will spread the word and hopefully make even the tiniest impact on our planet’s bees. Without bees we all go extinct and no one wants that. 

So that is What’s Up this Wednesday. Thank you all so much for taking a second and reading my blog. If you liked what you read please leave a comment down below so I will see and know you liked it. Be sure to hit that share button so all of your friends can also get some of this Hippy. I love you all guys and until next Wednesday, stay beautiful my Hippies! 

Here is the blog from last Wednesday is you wanted to catch up on that info


Here is the link where you can do your part and get your Bumble Bee necklace and start spreading awareness today! 

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