Thanksgiving Bob’s Burgers Episodes

What is up my fellow Belchies and Hippies! I am here, not queer, and ready to eat some turkey. Who else is with me? Just kidding, lets get real…Snuggled up in bed watching your favorite holiday episodes of your favorite shows is literally one of the best feelings ever. I love Bob’s Burgers, I don’t know if I mentioned that maybe like once or twice, but I freaking love it. If you have not watched Bob’s Burgers, I think now is the best time to start!

Season 3- Thanksgiving Episode 5 Titled “An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal”

What would you do if a very rich family friend or maybe your rich landlord offered you a lot of money to pretend to be married and use your family to impress an ex-girlfriend? Would you take the money and act your heart out or would you tell him to step off? The question arises in this fun loving, light hearted episode of Bob’s. This is one of my all time favorite Thanksgiving episodes because the music is on point. My kids and I sing the main song from this episode all the time. I think I was actually singing it yesterday!

Season 4- Thanksgiving Episode 5 Titled “Turkey in a Can”

This is my all time favorite Thanksgiving episode and if your new to the Belcher family this is a great place to start. There is so much that happens in this one and you really get a since of how they handle mischief in the family. No one is to be trusted, nothing is safe anymore!

Season 5- Thanksgiving Episode 4 Titled “Dawn of the Peck”

As you can see from the picture, this was not your normal Thanksgiving with the Belchers. What happens when the family decides not to celebrate traditional Thanksgiving, but to participate in the town’s local “Turk-Tacular Turkey Trot” is unbelievable. Was it the spirit of Thanksgiving? Was it Mr. Fishoeder’s lack of morals? Was it a bird-pocalypse? You will have to watch to find out and I promise it is well worth it. Bob gives us a lovely rendition of Donna Summers “Dim all the Lights”.

Season 7- Thanksgiving Episode 6 Titled “The Quirk-ducers”

This is honestly one of my least favorite episodes. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but hey we can’t love them all. This episode just didn’t hit the mark for me and it literally hurts my heart to type that. Bob’s Burgers is my favorite show so to say I’m not super hype for an episode just sucks. Wagstaff puts on a innocent Thanksgiving program when Louis, being Louis, meddles her way in and changes it. Poor Tina had a bright vision for how the play would go and…It did not.

Season 6- Thanksgiving Episode 4 Titled “Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled”

I just watched this today and this episode is literally why I named my cat after Mr. Business. The ten second interaction between Bob and Gayle trying to catch Mr. Business just gets me every time. This episode, in my opinion, has the second best Thanksgiving music. Oh yea and Europeans are just fine without Thanksgiving, but I love the nod to them. Random Shout out…

Season 8- Thanksgiving Episode 5 Titled “Thanks-Hoarding”

This episode literally makes me a little anxious. Teddy is an adorable “regular” on the show, always stopping in for a burger. Teddy asks the family for a little help when his family decides to do Thanksgiving at his house. Boy, oh boy did Teddy get more than what he asked for. This is a super funny and full-hearted episode to put you right in the holiday mood.

Season 9- Thanksgiving Episode 7 Titled “I Bob Your Pardon”

Why do I love the Mayor so much? Because its the Ma-ya THE MA-YA! Linda’s obsession with the Mayor leads the family on a unbelievable wild goose hunt, or turkey hunt. The family attends the towns first turkey pardoning and of course there are some E-Mayorgencies. This episode kind of misses the mark with me as a holiday episode, but there are some great times with Linda. #mayorstomachproblems

Season 10- Thanksgiving Episode 8 Titled “Now We’re Not Cooking with Gas”

It wouldn’t be a Thanksgiving episode without one of Bob’s classic grocery store freak outs. This year Bob got the call he’s waited too long for. We get to dive into how deep Bob’s love for Thanksgiving truly is when the block’s gas is out and he is forced to cook his famous dinner alternately. This one really melted my heart and reminded me how much family truly loves us. The support from family in your times of need, or when you might be being crazy, can go incredibly far.

Season 11- Thanksgiving Episode 7 Titled “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”

I have to admit, this one hurt my heart for Gene. I can not imagine loving food as much as Gene and not being able to eat on the one day a year about eating. To top things off Bob has gone overboard on trying new recipes and I am sure that apartment smelt amazing. I love these episodes when the family takes turns telling stories and we get to see the world through their imaginations.

Season 12- Thanksgiving Episode 8 Titled “Stuck in the Kitchen with You”

Alright moms reading this, time for us to admit that we can all be momsters in the kitchen. Your focusing on so many things, trying not to burn anything and you just need everyone to shut up and leave. I totally get it, poor Bob does not get it. Very rarely will we get to see Bob and Louis bump heads, but in this episode Bob is faced with the reminder that Thanksgiving is, at the end of the day, a holiday. A holiday meant to be slowed down and spent with family and doing the things you love. It doesn’t always have to be a huge rushed, anxiety fueled, insane time.

As we finalize plans this Thanksgiving I want us to all stop and take a few minutes to really soak it in. Times are so hard with the economy and Covid, we truly so have a ton to be grateful for right now. Stop and think about how it could ALWAYS be worse. Like a sweet potato casserole it may not always come out pretty or be your idea of perfect, but when you look around at the people who you have and the roof over your head you will feel perfect in your heart.

Or you can always just get drunk and say “FUCK IT”. Sometimes family sucks. Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Belchies! I love you and I want you to know that you reading this right now is why I am thankful. Your support and views help me and support my dreams everyday. Now go watch Bob’s.

What’s Up Wednesday 4/28/2020

What is up my Hippies? I hope you have had a good week since the last time we talked. I definitely have. I have been a little more busy. If you did not catch my last What’s Up Wednesday blog you can catch that down below.

First off, Happy 4/20!! I hope you had a great one? If you did let me know by commenting down below. I would love to hear how you celebrated the holiday. Man, we celebrated two holidays since the last time we tackled. Happy Earth Day as well. I did not do anything for Earth day or 4/20, which is weird since I always celebrate Earth Day. I just got really busy working on making product to list in my Etsy shop. I will post the link to my Etsy shop if you want to go check out the new items. 

For right now I am making all kinds of stuff, but Bob’s Burger stuff is my favorite thing to make. I ordered some plastic grinders this week and I absolutely love them. I haven’t seen such a good, cheap grinder. They even have a little magnet inside to keep them together. Very rarely do you buy something online and it surprises you with how well it’s made. I was really happy with that purchase, and even more excited to list them for you. 

Other than work, my home life has been pretty great. My daughter recently wanted to shave her legs, and that threw me through a loop. I really wasn’t expecting that, it kinda got me down thinking about how she’s growing up. I am sure all mothers have that moment when you realize “oh they really growing up now”. I feel a lot better now. A good friend of mine was like “just take it as a way to do more, different, fun things with her”. I remembered when I first found out she was a girl I was so excited to do her makeup and hair and paint her nails, I just had to add shaving to that list. If you have gone through this with your kids and would like to share your experiences please feel free to comment and let me know. Your stories really make me feel better. 

Well I guess that is it for this What’s Up Wednesday. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading a long with me. I am really starting to feel like yall are my family. I love checking in with you guys and seeing what yall have to say. It has become really therapeutic for me. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a beautiful day. If you would like the link to any of my social media platforms I will post the links down below

my FaceBook page



 I have also included a link to a few links for depression resources…Just know that you are not alone 

I have not personally used any of these websites, but I hope they can be of some help

What’s Up Wednesday 3/10/21

What is up my Hippies? It has been quite a while since ya girl has posted and caught you up on what this Hippy has been doing. 

Here is the blog from last Wednesday is you wanted to catch up on that info

I apologize for being absent for a while. Texas went through a major snow storm. We were stuck in the house for like a freaking week! I just got really down. I had no motivation, and it lasted. It has freaking lasted too long. If you are not a regular on my blog, I suffer from depression. It is something I openly talk about in hope that I can maybe help one person feel less alone in the battle. 

Today I got up and refused to let it stop me from doing something. I focused on just one task that I have been wanting to accomplish. My car. I have been really wanting to take care of my care. Inside and out, I have kinda let it go. So I got a car wash and put so many fluids in my car. All of the fluids. I now feel a lot better than I normally do. I am proud of myself. 

Tomorrow I plan on making some Bob’s Burgers masks. I already have them designed, I just have to cut them out and make them. 

I have also been wanting to make something to improve my product pictures. I haven’t been so happy with them. The lighting is just so hard for me to get right. If you have any tips, they would be greatly appreciated if you would comment them down below. Please and Thank you!! 

That is it for today my Hippies. I love and thank you all so much. Every single one of you that reads my blogs, like or subscribes to my posts, you are the bestest. Down below is the link to my FaceBook page, Etsy, YouTube, all of that great stuff. I have also included a link to a few links for depression. 

Here is my YouTube

Here is my Etsy. This link takes you strait to my newest and cutest piece of jewelry. It is a dragon foot ear clip and it is so adorable and super comfy to wear!

Here is my FaceBook

Here are some links you can check out if you are feeling down or you know one who is suffering with depression