Thanksgiving Bob’s Burgers Episodes

What is up my fellow Belchies and Hippies! I am here, not queer, and ready to eat some turkey. Who else is with me? Just kidding, lets get real…Snuggled up in bed watching your favorite holiday episodes of your favorite shows is literally one of the best feelings ever. I love Bob’s Burgers, I don’t know if I mentioned that maybe like once or twice, but I freaking love it. If you have not watched Bob’s Burgers, I think now is the best time to start!

Season 3- Thanksgiving Episode 5 Titled “An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal”

What would you do if a very rich family friend or maybe your rich landlord offered you a lot of money to pretend to be married and use your family to impress an ex-girlfriend? Would you take the money and act your heart out or would you tell him to step off? The question arises in this fun loving, light hearted episode of Bob’s. This is one of my all time favorite Thanksgiving episodes because the music is on point. My kids and I sing the main song from this episode all the time. I think I was actually singing it yesterday!

Season 4- Thanksgiving Episode 5 Titled “Turkey in a Can”

This is my all time favorite Thanksgiving episode and if your new to the Belcher family this is a great place to start. There is so much that happens in this one and you really get a since of how they handle mischief in the family. No one is to be trusted, nothing is safe anymore!

Season 5- Thanksgiving Episode 4 Titled “Dawn of the Peck”

As you can see from the picture, this was not your normal Thanksgiving with the Belchers. What happens when the family decides not to celebrate traditional Thanksgiving, but to participate in the town’s local “Turk-Tacular Turkey Trot” is unbelievable. Was it the spirit of Thanksgiving? Was it Mr. Fishoeder’s lack of morals? Was it a bird-pocalypse? You will have to watch to find out and I promise it is well worth it. Bob gives us a lovely rendition of Donna Summers “Dim all the Lights”.

Season 7- Thanksgiving Episode 6 Titled “The Quirk-ducers”

This is honestly one of my least favorite episodes. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but hey we can’t love them all. This episode just didn’t hit the mark for me and it literally hurts my heart to type that. Bob’s Burgers is my favorite show so to say I’m not super hype for an episode just sucks. Wagstaff puts on a innocent Thanksgiving program when Louis, being Louis, meddles her way in and changes it. Poor Tina had a bright vision for how the play would go and…It did not.

Season 6- Thanksgiving Episode 4 Titled “Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled”

I just watched this today and this episode is literally why I named my cat after Mr. Business. The ten second interaction between Bob and Gayle trying to catch Mr. Business just gets me every time. This episode, in my opinion, has the second best Thanksgiving music. Oh yea and Europeans are just fine without Thanksgiving, but I love the nod to them. Random Shout out…

Season 8- Thanksgiving Episode 5 Titled “Thanks-Hoarding”

This episode literally makes me a little anxious. Teddy is an adorable “regular” on the show, always stopping in for a burger. Teddy asks the family for a little help when his family decides to do Thanksgiving at his house. Boy, oh boy did Teddy get more than what he asked for. This is a super funny and full-hearted episode to put you right in the holiday mood.

Season 9- Thanksgiving Episode 7 Titled “I Bob Your Pardon”

Why do I love the Mayor so much? Because its the Ma-ya THE MA-YA! Linda’s obsession with the Mayor leads the family on a unbelievable wild goose hunt, or turkey hunt. The family attends the towns first turkey pardoning and of course there are some E-Mayorgencies. This episode kind of misses the mark with me as a holiday episode, but there are some great times with Linda. #mayorstomachproblems

Season 10- Thanksgiving Episode 8 Titled “Now We’re Not Cooking with Gas”

It wouldn’t be a Thanksgiving episode without one of Bob’s classic grocery store freak outs. This year Bob got the call he’s waited too long for. We get to dive into how deep Bob’s love for Thanksgiving truly is when the block’s gas is out and he is forced to cook his famous dinner alternately. This one really melted my heart and reminded me how much family truly loves us. The support from family in your times of need, or when you might be being crazy, can go incredibly far.

Season 11- Thanksgiving Episode 7 Titled “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”

I have to admit, this one hurt my heart for Gene. I can not imagine loving food as much as Gene and not being able to eat on the one day a year about eating. To top things off Bob has gone overboard on trying new recipes and I am sure that apartment smelt amazing. I love these episodes when the family takes turns telling stories and we get to see the world through their imaginations.

Season 12- Thanksgiving Episode 8 Titled “Stuck in the Kitchen with You”

Alright moms reading this, time for us to admit that we can all be momsters in the kitchen. Your focusing on so many things, trying not to burn anything and you just need everyone to shut up and leave. I totally get it, poor Bob does not get it. Very rarely will we get to see Bob and Louis bump heads, but in this episode Bob is faced with the reminder that Thanksgiving is, at the end of the day, a holiday. A holiday meant to be slowed down and spent with family and doing the things you love. It doesn’t always have to be a huge rushed, anxiety fueled, insane time.

As we finalize plans this Thanksgiving I want us to all stop and take a few minutes to really soak it in. Times are so hard with the economy and Covid, we truly so have a ton to be grateful for right now. Stop and think about how it could ALWAYS be worse. Like a sweet potato casserole it may not always come out pretty or be your idea of perfect, but when you look around at the people who you have and the roof over your head you will feel perfect in your heart.

Or you can always just get drunk and say “FUCK IT”. Sometimes family sucks. Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Belchies! I love you and I want you to know that you reading this right now is why I am thankful. Your support and views help me and support my dreams everyday. Now go watch Bob’s.

What’s Up Wednesday 5/19

How are you doing on this great Wednesday, my Hippies? I hope you have had a good week since the last time we talked. I have been super busy, working hard for you guys to list new products in my Etsy shop. If you did not catch my last What’s Up Wednesday blog you can catch that down below.

This week I have been more busy with personal things. My kids have had some minor appointments and more serious ones. I got some unfortunate medical news this week and I took it kinda hard. I hate that my instincts are to immediately just panic and think the worse. I always think about the worst possible situation even if I know ifs not even close to that bad. The old me would have just kept it all inside and dealt with it on my own terms. The new me is talking to people I trust about it. I have also been making sure that I take my anxiety meds. The combination has made it all manageable. I know I am not the only mom having a hard time with medical diagnosis for our kids. I can’t be. I know I am not. Comment please and let me know if you have ever been here and how you dealt with it. I could really use some tips and support. I love you guys so much.    

This week I planned on making and listing some organic lotion and kids masks. I bought a pack of 90’s cartoon SVG’s or images to make and put on the masks. I was so excited to work on these, but it was like everything was against me. I know you have tried to do something and it feels like the universe is trying to stop you by making everything go wrong. I had to order a ton of white iron-on vinyl when I realized that I had nowhere near enough. The blade to my Cricut crapped out on me. To be fair, it’s been like 3 years and I have never changed the blade. Don’t judge, we are not here to judge. So I couldn’t be too mad that I had to order and wait for a new blade to come in, but it was super inconvenient for my orders that were due this week. 

I really truly believe that if you do not slow down and make time for yourself the universe will make time for you. The week before I was feeling very manic, so I was just working and working and crafting and working. The universe was like “nope. Make her machine and supplies crap out”. I kinda appreciate it universe. 

I have exactly 5 weeks until the town I live in is having a big festival and I will be doing a craft booth there. My town has two big festivals every year but for like 2 years now we haven’t been able to do them because of Covid. This year they think it will be safe enough to have it. This is a great opportunity for small business owners, like me. I have been planning and planning for this for a week or so now. I am not trying to release too many details until I am sure those are the plans. The city hasn’t released a ton of info yet so I still have a few questions. I did want to just let yall know that some Pop-Up Shops will be coming next month.  

Well I guess that is it for this What’s Up Wednesday. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading along with me. I am really starting to feel like yall are my family. I love checking in with you guys and seeing what yall have to say. It has become really therapeutic for me. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a beautiful day. If you would like the link to any of my social media platforms I will post the links down below

my FaceBook page



What’s up Wed 5/12

How are you on this fine day my Hippies? I hope you have had a good week since the last time we talked. I have been super busy, working hard for you guys and mothers day. If you did not catch my last What’s Up Wednesday blog you can catch that down below.

This week I plan on making and listing some organic lotion and kids masks. I bought a pack of 90’s cartoon SVG’s or images to make and put on the masks. I am pretty excited because looking through the image is like a blast from the past, and the shop gave me 3 free images so I can’t wait to open them up and see what I got. I hate buying big lots of images off of Etsy because they usually only show you a few of them and then it’s a huge surprise what else you get. I just wanna see everything before I buy! Purchases are the one area of life I don’t really want a surprise, I kinda want those to be cut and dry, black and white. 

I was at Wal-Mart buying a mothers day gift for my mother in law and I happened to find a huge sale on blank black kids masks. They were insanely cheap so I grabbed only 6 packs, then 10 packs, then I couldn’t leave the last few there all alone, so I ended up buying all 19 packs. I felt like a crazy lady walking up to the register with arms full of discount masks. I am unsure of the exact number of masks I ended up buying, but my shop is about to be FULL of masks! I am making some 90’s cartoon ones, anime and maybe some Nightmare Before Christmas masks as well. 

I have exactly 6 weeks until the town I live in is having a big festival and I will be doing a craft booth there. My town has two big festivals every year but for like 2 years now we haven’t been able to do them because of Covid. This year they think it will be safe enough to have it. This is a great opportunity for small business owners, like me. I have been planning and planning for this for a week or so now. I am not trying to release too many details until I am sure those are the plans. The city hasn’t released a ton of info yet so I still have a few questions. I did want to just let yall know that some Pop-Up Shops will be coming next month.  

Well I guess that is it for this What’s Up Wednesday. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading along with me. I am really starting to feel like yall are my family. I love checking in with you guys and seeing what yall have to say. It has become really therapeutic for me. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a beautiful day. If you would like the link to any of my social media platforms I will post the links down below

my FaceBook page



What’s Up Wed 5/5

What is up my Hippies? I hope you have had a good week since the last time we talked. I definitely have. I have been a little more busy. If you did not catch my last What’s Up Wednesday blog you can catch that down below.

This week I have been trying to balance working hard with taking breaks for my mental health. I can burn myself out if I don’t get out of the house and focus on me sometimes. It is insane how much just going to a park will bring my mood up and lower my stress. I just love to get out of the house, I don’t know why. Are you like that? If I don’t get out of the house at least once a day I get stir crazy, I am sure I am not the only one.

This week I got a few new orders, which is so exciting and I am so grateful for. I am also focusing on my 31 Days of May Challenge, I am trying to post once a day all month to just try and let you guys know more about me. It sounds so easy to commit to posting once a day, but some days it can be a little harder than others. There is a few things in life that sound so easy ha!

Other than work I have been planning my son’s birthday party, we decided on Ghostbusters theme. I am so excited to decorate this party. I have started ordering a few decorations off of Etsy and Amazon and the are so cool already. My son likes the coolest stuff and I love that I get to decorate for it. I still need to order a few more plain colored things and his jumpsuit. I am trying to find one that is blank so I can put his name on it, but I have a feeling I will just have to order one with the Ghostbusters name on it. Its not that big of a deal, he will love it no matter what. My son is a very grateful, easy going little guy.

Well I guess that is it for this What’s Up Wednesday. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading along with me. I am really starting to feel like yall are my family. I love checking in with you guys and seeing what yall have to say. It has become really therapeutic for me. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a beautiful day. If you would like the link to any of my social media platforms I will post the links down below

my FaceBook page



What’s Up Wednesday 3/10/21

What is up my Hippies? It has been quite a while since ya girl has posted and caught you up on what this Hippy has been doing. 

Here is the blog from last Wednesday is you wanted to catch up on that info

I apologize for being absent for a while. Texas went through a major snow storm. We were stuck in the house for like a freaking week! I just got really down. I had no motivation, and it lasted. It has freaking lasted too long. If you are not a regular on my blog, I suffer from depression. It is something I openly talk about in hope that I can maybe help one person feel less alone in the battle. 

Today I got up and refused to let it stop me from doing something. I focused on just one task that I have been wanting to accomplish. My car. I have been really wanting to take care of my care. Inside and out, I have kinda let it go. So I got a car wash and put so many fluids in my car. All of the fluids. I now feel a lot better than I normally do. I am proud of myself. 

Tomorrow I plan on making some Bob’s Burgers masks. I already have them designed, I just have to cut them out and make them. 

I have also been wanting to make something to improve my product pictures. I haven’t been so happy with them. The lighting is just so hard for me to get right. If you have any tips, they would be greatly appreciated if you would comment them down below. Please and Thank you!! 

That is it for today my Hippies. I love and thank you all so much. Every single one of you that reads my blogs, like or subscribes to my posts, you are the bestest. Down below is the link to my FaceBook page, Etsy, YouTube, all of that great stuff. I have also included a link to a few links for depression. 

Here is my YouTube

Here is my Etsy. This link takes you strait to my newest and cutest piece of jewelry. It is a dragon foot ear clip and it is so adorable and super comfy to wear!

Here is my FaceBook

Here are some links you can check out if you are feeling down or you know one who is suffering with depression

What’s Up Wednesday 1/20/2021

What is up my Hippies? Man, it has been a week for me. I have been pretty busy this week with kids appointments, mailing packages, my car not working, just so much so let’s just jump on in.
First, I did want to let you Hippies know about my giveaway. I have been doing a giveaway a week for the past two weeks, this will be the third and final week. So if you have been living under a rock and have not already entered I will post the link down below. This weeks giveaway is for any of my HippyLife jewelry pieces. I wanted to let you guys pick which one you wanted. So far I have a beautiful Bumble Bee necklace that is meant to be worn as a conversation piece to raise awareness about the extinction of the bees, which we all know is mandatory for human survival. Next I have a silver Dragon’s Foot Ear clip. When I ordered these I was worried about the clip being too tight and hurting my ear, but there is a soft padded thing in the clip and it doesn’t close down too hard so you can’t even tell its there once you have it on. Finally, I have a cute little Peace is Pretty anklet, its blue with gold outline and I think it gives off a cute little Hippy vibe. I always wear a anklet, like for years now. Right now I have on a blue string sea turtle anklet, but I think its time for me to switch it up to the peace sign. These are all of the options you can choose from if you win the giveaway this week. Once again, I will post the link to enter the giveaway as well as the link to order your HippyLife jewelry down below.
Other than my weekly giveaway and listing all of the jewelry on Etsy, I have been working really super hard to get rid of my “death pile”. This is a like, business/seller term that I just learned about, all it is is a pile of crap that you have bought and never crafted, never listed online, never did anything with it and now its just sitting there in a pile somewhere saying “feed me Seymore”. I knew I had this pile, of crafts that never got crafted, I just never knew it had a term until I was watching a YouTube video on like “top 10 tips to help your business”. The lady said that its an awful habit that can really hurt your business and it made sense. If your buying something your spending money on it, letting it sit there and not doing anything with it is kinda like loosing money. So this week I have been determined to get my “death pile” out of my craft drawers and onto Etsy. So far it is slow going, just because its a lot to craft, but the good thing is that all of that crap has been sitting there for so long I already know what I want to with it, so there’s no creative process that needs to happen just me getting up and doing it. I will say that I am pleasantly surprised about the outcome. I have completed 3 crafts and listed them on just Facebook, not even Etsy and they sold in less than 24 hours. This is for sure going to be a tip that I am going to try and burn into my brain, to always take care of my “death pile” because it WILL make me money.
Other than my HippyLife Crafts stuff, my kids just had like a ton of appointments today and I don’t know why, but it just drains me. Driving all around, getting in and out of the car with kids, driving back into town, it’s just a lot sometimes. Where we live unfortunately doesn’t have a lot of doctors and specialists, so we have to drive out of town for almost all of our appointments. I am just glad that my car is good on gas. Speaking of my car, it has been being a butt lately. I call my car “the mom machine” just FYI. That his name, just go with it. The mom machine will just randomly not start and I’ve Google’d and YouTube’d and had people look at it, they have hooked it up to fancy machine and ran tests on it, no one can seem to figure out why it does that. As of right now, it is starting just fine, so I guess I’ll just keep going until it doesn’t start again and then put it in a shop. I just need time to figure out rides for the kids school and stuff while it’s gone. It be aight. I’m not too worried about it. I do need The Mom Machine to mail off your packages, and do all my good stuff for this page and all of my other pages doe.
Next week I will put out my regular “What’s Up Wednesday’s” for you guys, but there will not be a giveaway, I’m sorry. It is my daughter’s birthday next week, silent mom tear, and I will just be too busy with that to do a giveaway. There are times when every working person needs to take a step back and focus on family, I know you guys understand. Thank you guys for understanding.
That is it for this weeks “What’s Up Wednesday”. I hope you enjoyed reading and I will have all of the links I mentioned up there down below so you guys can go and check out that good good. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to stop and read, it means to much to me that you did. I hope that you enter the HippyLife Crafts jewelry giveaway, and I hope you win! I love you Hippies so much. Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay beautiful ya’ll.

Here is the link to this weeks giveaway

What’s Up Wednesday 12/9/20

What is up my Hippies? I hope you all have been doing ok. I know I posted a few nights ago on Facebook about my anxiety. It happens and I felt a lot better after I talked about it. I didn’t want you guys to worry, I am doing ok with my anxiety. I am sure, with the holidays coming up, I am not the only one a little more anxious right now. It helps me to talk about it though it may not help you, and that’s ok.

So lets just jump right in, this week I have been working on a ton. I have a custom T-Shirt order that I have been fulfilling. I always love custom orders because they allow me to let out some of my inner creativity. I have also been waiting on a shipment of more essential oils to come in. I ordered peppermint oil to make “candy cane” bath bombs. I also ordered sweet orange oil, not sure what I will do with that, I just know I love the smell of sweet orange oil so I know my Hippies will too. The last oil I ordered was eucalyptus oil, this will be put into my “Shower Sprinkles”. I absolutely love these because they clear out your congestion like nothing else.

I am not really congested like with a cold, or like winter congestion, but like allergies. Here in Texas it is cold, but like a dry cold. There is still a bunch of dead leaves and dander and crap in the air. I normally don’t have allergies passed the fall, but oh well its 2020 and nothing makes sense anymore. I also like using the eucalyptus on my kids to help with the never ending snot flow coming out of their face holes. Ya know, like most kids have in the winter.

Other than making all of these amazing bath bombs, I just got some jewelry in and I am super excited to list it on my website tomorrow. I ordered bee necklaces because I think we need to spread more awareness about the threat on bees currently going on. If bees go extinct, so do we. The necklaces are beautiful and have a cute bee on them. I think they will make great conversation pieces. The rest will have to be a surprise for you guys.

That is What’s Up this Wednesday! I hope you guys enjoyed this read. If you did please be sure to share this blog with your friends, please. This helps me to know you guys enjoy what your reading. Don’t forget to stop by my HippyLife Crafts website to see all of my goodies and if you want to see my website lay out. Here is the link to that

Here is the link to my HippyLife YouTube page so you can see what this Hippy looks like IRL

I hope all of my Hippies have a great rest of your week. Be sure to catch your favorite Hippy this Saturday for a Pop-Up shop, the info is listed in this link

Love you guys, MUAH!

Why This Hippy Decided To Leave Etsy…

What is up my favorite people? I hope you are having a fantastic day today, I know I sure am. I recently have decided to leave Etsy. This was a fairly easy decision to make for me. I have only been on Etsy for about a month and a half now and already, I am moving on to another site, another way of selling my crafts.

I have around twenty products available right now so I am needing a site that I can depend on. Not a site that is going to take all of my money. When I first started I just wanted to get my products online so they can start selling and I can start making money. I mean that’s everyone’s goal, right? Well it kinda back fired on me.

Etsy has a ton of fees that are hidden, a few that are in your face and upfront, but most of the fees I had to look up and find out for myself, the hard way. They charge you a percent of your shipping cost. They charge a portion of the money you make selling your actual product.

Etsy is a search engine, just like Google. Etsy has complete control over which products and which stored get pushed to the top of the searches. There is a certain way Etsy wants you to advertise yourself and your products. If chose not to follow or if you simply don’t know to follow these rules, Etsy will not put you at the top.

How upsetting is that? You put in all of this hard work, you create or supply a great product and 1) Etsy is taking a ton of fees and 2) Etsy has complete control over if your shop will be successful or not.

Having said that, if you are just starting out on Etsy and do not have at least fourty items in your shop, you wont be up high in the searches when people look items up. So how do you get successful on Etsy?

One way is through Etsy advertising. These are ads that Etsy puts out and only charge you if someone click on the ad. This is where I got screwed. Etsy makes it seem like it is such a low fee, like you only have to pay if someone is going to be looking and possibly buying.

I really don’t want to make it seem like I am just ranting and hating on Etsy. I am going to make this short. I was on Etsy for a month and a half, more or less. I made five sales through promoting myself on social media and through in person “pop-up shops”. I sold two items on Etsy. These sales were made through Etsy ads. Today was pay day, awe yeaaaaa. Um no. I only got a grand total of five dollars deposited into my account.

Yes, you read that right. For a month of my hard work, after all of the fees and BULL Etsy thought it was appropriate to pay me five dollars!

So I know you are probably wondering what I am going to do now. How will sell my products and crafts. I have since switched to SquareSpace. The difference between the two is very simple. Etsy have all of those fees and BS as to SquareSpace which is a once a month fee of twenty five dollars. Very huge difference. So now when I make a sale a hundred percent of that money is going straight to me. This means more money into my business. How amazing is that.

So thank you guys for taking time out of you busy lives to read this, I hope this can save some of you guys some money and hassle. If you were thinking about selling your handmade crafts or anything really, I do not recommend Etsy.

If you liked this read, please comment down below and let me know! I have no idea if your reading this or like what your reading if you don’t tell me!

Here is the link to my new shop. Please go take a look at least to let me know what you think or maybe what you want to see more of on there!


This is the link to stay up to date with all of the things this Hippy is doing and where the next Pop-Up shop will be!


I Am Back My Hippies!

What is up my Hippies? I am not going to just stroll back in here like I didn’t just take a huge hiatus from yall. Where TF did I go? What have I been doing? So many questions that I plan on answering here, right here, right now! 

This Hippy has been through so much in the past few years, like who hasn’t? The biggest thing that I wanted to let yall know and kinda explain to y’all is that I got divorced. Shock!! I know, the big D word. I know it makes everyone uncomfortable, but all I want to say is that we are both much happier now and it was very mutual. I am sorry if you’re not a fan of my name change or “brand” change, I don’t really like it a ton either. I thought HIppyWife HippyLife was way more visually pleasing, but I don’t know, I am not a wife anymore so there is no use in lying to yall like that. 

Aside from getting divorced, I have been moving around and just working on finding myself. I try to be open and honest with you guys about my mental health. I do suffer from anxiety and depression. It has been about seven years now that I consider my “mental health journey” meaning that I have been actively working on my mental health. To explain a little further I am really working on doing only things that make me happy. I know that sometimes you have to do things that you don’t want to do. I am talking about the really big things in life, like your job, your friends, behaviors in my kids. I am really working on manifesting the life that I truly want. 

I feel like a lot of times when people have the same job they hate or the same spouse they hate for a million years because they just get stuck in a rut. I believe that it is never too late to change your life. You’re never too old, don’t let it be scary. 

All of these things are why I have decided to dedicate myself to you guys full time. I am going to fill my Etsy shop with tons of new Hippy items, so you guys can wear the same stuff I am. Your house can be adorably decorated. I mean the sky’s the limit yall! I will be releasing new videos and revamping my HippyLife YouTube channel. This way when you order a product from my Etsy shop you can then click the link to my YouTube channel and see how to use it or set it up. I will be releasing at least one piece of content a week from this point out. I am super excited and I hope yall are too. 

I just wanted to take a quick minute my Hippies to just say thank you!! Thank you so much for continuing to support me and this blog. I know it takes a minute out of your day to read this, but thank you. It really means a lot to me when I look at my stats and I see that you read my blog posts or watched my videos. It really makes my day. 

With all of that being said, what do y’all want to see in the future? It doesn’t necessarily have to be Hippy related. It could be anything, maybe something you’ve seen online and want to recreate, it could be a hot-to video. Comment down below to let me know what yall want to see coming. As always like this page and subscribe to stay up to date on all that this Hippy is doing. Stay peaceful and have a beautiful day my Hippies!!

Here is the link to my Etsy shop

Here is the link to my YouTube

Here is the link to my FaceBook